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不假肉有腿?The business case for alt-proteins



Less than 40 years from now, however, food shortages could become serious. By 2050, the world’s population could reach 9 billion. Environmental pressures will put a squeeze on farmland, water and fisheries, making it harder to feed everyone using current practices, according to a June报告by the United Nations’餐饮and Agriculture Organization(FAO).


相反,在危困图定位的,但是,企业家有大浪已抓获了公众的注意与其他蛋白的产品,似乎是更可持续的。在菜单上是食用昆虫,植物为基础的仿鸡蛋,假肉“schmeat” - 就像马克邮政的发现是,在试管肉牛干细胞汉堡包

Go ahead and giggle at the term “schmeat” -- yet, as Oxford Dictionary’s今年的亚军字, the concept has legs. Will the emerging industry have a market for mainstream growth?那是一个板球你吃?我会采取两种


昆虫的人消费 - - 2001年以来“有,三年前是不存在之前行业,”大卫Gracer,罗德岛居民谁一直对教育的entomophagy市民说。

Gracer,谁开始eating insectsout of curiosity in 1999, has traced mention of the practice in the media and academic journals. In the last four years, he has counted 1,200 articles about entomophagy in the media and 800 technical articles about the subject -- a tremendous difference over prior years.

But the public's mindset about entomophagy, shown via the comments on articles in American media, he says, shows a lot of disgust and mockery of the practice, which is commonplace in parts of Latin America, Asia and Africa.

What would it take to change these mainstream attitudes and increase market viability in America? “If things get scary out there in terms of climate change and food production and food stability, and [there's] not complete mayhem, that’s going to be something that will change the game in terms of people’s perceptions,” he said.

Nevertheless, he continued, "When I got started, there were only a few people, and now there are domestic manufacturers for insect foods. There’s a much bigger community than there was five to six years ago.”

Tiny Farms

Berkeley, Calif.-based Andrew Brentano, wife Jena and friend Dan Imrie-Situnayake decided a little over a year ago to startTiny Farms,一个企业,将支持对开发食用昆虫的稳定供应,个人和企业家。他们的想法是不是太古怪。

毕竟,湾区已经看到了of edible insect food truckDon Bugito,击中旧金山的街道在2011年那么在这之前,旧金山California Academy of Sciencesand the city zoo served samples to the adventurous. [In years past, I've sampled edibles at Don Bugito and the Academy of Sciences, along withchapulines(grasshoppers) in Oaxaca, Mexico].

Tacos from San Francisco food truck Don Bugito (image credit: Don Bugito)


“It’s really tricky to get food-grade insects,” Brentano said. “That’s also an issue overseas because of import regulations and food safety issues.” In addition, most insects overseas are wild harvested and as a result likely will have accumulated metals and pesticides.






公司的投资者包括明显的公司启动孵化器和风险投资公司Kleiner Perkins Caulfield的&Byers公司。

Hampton Creek Foods

在2011年,约什Tetrick成立Hampton Creek Foods在完美的植物为基础的蛋替代物的追求。他的动机,以提供在不安全的铺设,污染环境的工业设施(他解释说在上面的视频),鸡蛋的替代品。

“Since one-third of those eggs end up in food products, we focus on the products these caged chicken eggs end up in,” he said.


汉普顿河食品公司也已经开发出从豌豆制成的蛋黄酱。它可在120个全食超市和将推出全国性的12月5日饼干面团和scrambled “egg”products are in the works.


“These companies see the prices of caged chicken eggs going up because they’re fed massive amounts of corn and soy,” he said. “They’re watching the problem, and it’s a natural way for them to save money.”

Top image of eggs and Beyond Eggs via Hampton Creek Foods
