

Illustration of diverse group of stylish people standing together, facing different directions.

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In late May and then in June when companies and individuals were posting black squares across social media as a symbol of their commitment to Black lives, in the wake of the murder of George Floyd, eco-communicator Leah Thomas was thinking of a more concrete, tangible way to improve the environmental movement in a way that intentionally includes Black, Indigenous and other communities of color.

In that moment, Thomas founded交叉环保主义者(即)通过在环境运动中扩大历史上沉默的声音,以及联合创始人Diandra Marizet,Philip Aiken和Sabs Katz,致力于拆除压迫制度的任务驱动组织。

"We want transparency. We want people to be inclusive, and we want people and companies not to be silent on these issues anymore because that’s how we’ve gotten to this point in the first place," said Katz, director of communications at IE. "By continuing to be silent, we will only perpetuate these negative aspects of society."

Headshot of Sabs Katz, director of communications at Intersectional Environmentalist. Leaves of a plant can be seen in the top right corner.


This interview has been edited for length and clarity.

Deonna Anderson:几个月前你创立了这个组织以来,交叉环保人员的内容是什么?

SABS KATZ:这是一点点旋风,真正了解我们在不到六个月的增长量。但是,我们一直将我们的努力集中在几个不同的柱子上,这些柱子真正的核心是作为企业的核心。其中一个是社区建设。我们通过Instagram页面做到这一点。我们有一个网站,也可以聚集了许多教育资源,看看不同的主题,并查看有兴趣学习更多关于交叉环境主义的人的不同社区。所以我们一直专注于那里的社区建设。

We’ve also been developing an accountability program for businesses to incorporate intersectional environmentalism into their workplace. And we’ve been focusing on really developing and hoping to set a standard as a business and show other companies that you can be a mission-driven company and still pay your workers fair wages. You can still be profitable and have all of these positive initiatives that can make a difference in the world and yeah, not really compromise your values.

Anderson: Can you describe what intersectional environmentalism is and how that’s different from environmental justice and climate justice or how those things might work together?

凯茨:我会用一点点背景开始。Intersectional theoryand critical race theory has been studied largely by金伯勒克森克拉夫,教授和律师。而且她真的激发了我们的创始人Leah Thomas,将这个交叉的想法纳入环保主义,因为我们听到它被申请的术语交叉施加对女权主义。所以Leah,当她在大学时,听说并理解交叉女权主义并确定,但注意到环境空间内没有真正适用于人们的环保主义。


Anderson: Because the GreenBiz audience is mostly corporate sustainability professionals, I’m curious about your business accountability program. Can you tell me how that program works?

凯茨:Right after we were created, there were a lot of companies reaching out to us who wanted to partner with us in different ways or just to find out how to incorporate a more intersectional perspective into their business, into their CSR goals. We developed this accountability program because we wanted people to continue doing the work, and we didn’t want to lose the momentum of people being activated and using their voices. The accountability program is made up of four modules over the course of four months, so there’s one module per month.


例如,许多时装公司可能会使用有机棉或者也许他们会使用再生塑料。但是他们可能不一定谈论的一件事是如何生产塑料的生产会导致污染。创造塑料的大量化学工厂或工厂位于大部分BIPOC [黑色,土着和色彩的人]社区,并导致负面的健康后果。我们希望真正鼓励公司倾向于这些谈话,而不是最大限度地减少那些被视为的对话可能有点过于政治。因为我们看到了很多关于Gen Z的很多新人,很多千禧一代,希望能够支持透明的公司。他们希望支持抵御社会不公正和环境不公正的公司。所以这不仅适合道德的缘故。这也是良好的商业练习。

Anderson: It sounds like you are encouraging businesses to take a more holistic approach to the way that they achieve sustainability within their business versus just their bottom line and thinking more about people.



凯茨:Leah Thomas, our founder, had been in contact with somebody from TAZO. They’re a huge fan of Leah herself. And so this has been a conversation that’s been going on for a little bit going back and forth because TAZO has been wanting to take a stance and wanting to invest in environmental justice organizations. We as IE have always known that we want to pay people for their work, and we don’t believe that people should be giving free labor. And we believe unpaid internships should be abolished because they’re just frankly not fair. And they take opportunities away from people who might not be able to work for free.


It does no good to continue ignoring or to continue silencing those voices when we should be all fighting for an environment that is just for everyone.







安德森:我期待着看到其他伙伴关系的成果。枢转有点,2020几乎结束 - 这是一个有趣的一年,即今年开始。当我们进入2021时,我很好奇,有些人有什么希望对环境运动的影响?


We’re already seeing climate refugees, folks who are no longer able to live within their communities or within their countries because the weather is too hot to live there or the conditions, the air conditions, the air pollution conditions make it no longer a viable community. We really want folks to not shy away from these conversations. When we look at a lot of environmental organizations, a lot of environmental nonprofits, the largest ones are ones that focus on conservation. They focus on nature. They focus on animals. All of which are absolutely wonderful.


那些将是我们希望看到的更多基层举措之一,我们希望继续看到。然后就IE作为业务而言,我们希望扩大一点。现在我们是一个营利性,我们非常有意识地决定成为一个营利的,因为我们想表明你可以成为一个任务驱动的组织,仍然赚钱,你仍然可以支付人民公平的工资。One of our goals for 2021 is to create a nonprofit arm so that area can focus on doing a lot more of the grassroots work, whether that’s through our mentorship program, which we’re still continuing to flesh out, or funding grants for sustainability of intersectional environmentalist organizations.

在2021年我们充实的手臂。我们也何ping to create a media house almost likeJubilee为了真正突出了很多环境不公正的故事,真正把它带到了最前沿,以便人们再也无法忽视这些谈话。



And not to shy away from them because, like I said, folks want to be supporting these companies ... There will always be some folks who don’t want to have that conversation, who don’t want companies to necessarily feel like they should be having that conversation. But at the end of the day, it’s the right thing to do. And it’s the way of the future. And we have to continue having these conversations in order for us to have a future that is intersectional.

This article has been updated to correct the amount of TAZO's donation to Intersectional Environmentalist. The tea brand donated $50,000 to IE and it was part of a larger $250,000 it committed to environmental justice groups.

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