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Can new principles drive money into sustainable fishing?


Although billions of public and private dollars are invested in fisheries every year, more often than not, sustainability is neither the driver nor the intended outcome of those investment dollars. That means we are missing a major opportunity to solve the global overfishing and food security problem, which requires significantly more and better-aligned investment from a variety of capital providers.


Principles for Investment in Sustainable Fisheries旨在做到这一点:将新的和间隔的资本转移到渔业投资中,将资本与负责任的管理保持一致,并使投资者有信心将环境和社会可持续性建立到渔业中也将带来其投资回报。必威体育2018这些原则还培训了投资者人权的关注点,尤其是在将新资本带到小规模渔业和沿海社区方面。他们已经得到了15多个基金会,投资基金,项目开发商和非营利组织的认可或采用。

Our hope is that these principles will help drive investment and allow us to scale sustainable fisheries and restore our seas to health more quickly.
"The principles reinforce the notion that good management, science and monitoring and enforcement are not only critical to sustainable fishing — but to sustainable investments, too," said Amanda Leland, EDF senior vice president, oceans. "Governance reform is the foundation of sustainable fisheries management and investment because it de-risks the system. Our hope is that these principles will help drive investment and allow us to scale sustainable fisheries and restore our seas to health more quickly. That would be welcome news for hundreds of millions of people around the world, especially the poorest and most vulnerable communities that rely on the oceans to meet their most basic everyday needs.”

动力正在为指南制定。这三个主要渔业影响基金 - 梅洛伊基金会,鼓励资本和阿尔泰利亚生态圈 - 同意采用原则作为创始采用者,并将其应用于投资决策。

"Rare and the Meloy Fund decided to join forces with EDF and Encourage to co-author and become a founding adopter to these principles because we are committed to establishing a sustainable wild-caught fisheries investment sector that prioritizes the best outcomes for ocean resources and fishing communities. We need to help define a common ground for the impact investing field and we are already applying these principles routinely as part of our due diligence and supervision processes," said Manuel Bueno, fund director at Meloy Fund.

这principles apply globally to all debt and equity investment products deployed to finance a project or company, and where the project or company has or is expected to have an impact on wild-caught fisheries and their associated ecosystems and communities. Modeled after the Equator Principles, they complement existing guidelines and frameworks governing environmentally and socially responsible investment.

这se principles take into account the market-based research and practical experiences of commercial investment organizations that are trying to lead the way.
"Encourage is proud to be a part of the development of these sustainable fisheries principles under the leadership of EDF. We believe these principles take into account the market-based research and practical experiences of commercial investment organizations that are trying to lead the way in demonstrating how deploying private capital into sustainable fishing and seafood companies is good for investors and good for the oceans," said Jason Scott, co-managing partner at Encourage Capital.

"Althelia is a founding adopter of these principles because we wholeheartedly believe that sustainable fisheries investing can bring about the best possible environmental and social outcomes: healthy oceans; nutritious food; good jobs," said Simon Dent, director of new ventures at Althelia Ecosphere. "We look forward to applying these principles to support the Sustainable Ocean Fund’s investment activity and decisions."

这principles are expected to be endorsed by non-investor institutions such as non-profit organizations, project developers, philanthropic foundations and other public and private stakeholders interested in promoting the sustainable management of fisheries through investment.

An up-to-date list of adopters and endorsers can be found

This story first appeared on:

Ecosystem Marketplace

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