
COP24 Katowice Deal的《需要了解的商业指南》



1. Bolder national climate plans are coming

Following the decision, critics suggested this COP provided a "mixed signal" on whether countries will raise ambition ahead of 2020, when the Paris Agreement officially kicks in.

There had been considerable hope going into the summit that the COP24 outcome would issue a clear call to arms for countries to prepare fresh, more ambitious climate targets in time for 2020. But as it stood, the official text only "invited" countries to consider calls made at the summit under the Talanoa Dialogue to boost their ambition. As such, no single key paragraph required governments to strengthen their plans.

尽管如此,明显的信号确实表明,许多国家将在2020年及时向联合国提交更雄心勃勃的计划。在整个为期两周的活动国家中,例如印度,加拿大,乌克兰和牙买加,他们正在为更雄心勃勃2020年。与此同时,英国已经在考虑提高其气候目标,以实现净零排放目标,欧盟也是如此。联合国秘书长安东尼奥·古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)举行的关键峰会定于9月,当时呼吁各国在2020年提交更艰难的计划将达到狂热。

Businesses therefore must prepare for tougher climate targets — and an influx of accompanying new green policies — in the coming years.


The Paris Agreement Rulebook is littered with U.N. jargon, and it is easy to think the systems and decisions it sets out will have little real-world impact on the way businesses operate.

The Paris Agreement Rulebook is littered with U.N. jargon, and it is easy to think the systems and decisions it sets out will have little real-world impact on the way businesses operate. Think again.
Think again, advised Anirban Ghosh, chief sustainability officer at the Indian billion dollar conglomerate Mahindra & Mahindra. Speaking to us on the sidelines of the summit, Ghosh said the international agreement on how countries monitor, track and publish their emissions has a direct impact on how business operates.

"It does trickle down into country policies, which affect companies in different ways," he said. "In India, there is a program called Perform, Achieve and Trade, where industries are given targets on the emissions they should have during production. That directly affects the technologies we invest in and the processes that we use. So the rulebook does affect industry because the rulebook then leads to national policies which companies have to follow."


One major diplomatic battle at this year's negotiations was expected to be whether developing countries would have to follow the same emissions reporting rules as richer developed nations.


4. Shift towards public/private finance

作为企业绿色chronicled during the summit,气候金融问题越来越成为私人和公共财政市场的问题。绿色技术(例如太阳能和风能)的成本下降意味着清洁技术项目在世界许多地方都是一项有利可图的冒险,而无需政府支持。

But the growing interest of private markets in climate finance opportunities throws up some tricky issues for negotiators — namely, how to count private money in the assistance promised from developed to developing nations for climate-related spending.


5. COPs are a key business forum

We saw the first clear signs at Paris, but U.N. climate summits are fast becoming key events in the green business calendar. This year was no exception, with perhaps the biggest announcement of the conference coming fromshipping giant Maersk, which promised to transition to net zero emissions by 2050. Meanwhile, a host of fashion firms teamed up to launch aground-breaking industry charter,首次设定整个行业的减排目标。

“气候行动对企业来说是有意义的,很高兴看到多个行业制定了自己的雄心勃勃的计划,” COP24的BT环境可持续性负责人加布里埃尔·吉纳(Gabrielle Giner)表示。必威体育2018“话虽如此,我们现在需要看到决策者的雄心勃勃的气候目标,这将使我们能够更深入,更快。”

Alongside new climate pledges, the COPs are also acting as forum for debate over the best way to approach an economic transformation of the scale the climate threat demands. The backdrop of the summit in Poland's coal heartlands, and the ongoing "Gilet Jaunes" protests in France, prompted widespread debate over the need to secure a 'Just Transition' for workers coping with a global shift to a greener economy.

峰会和“吉列·贾纳斯(Gilet Jaunes)”抗议活动的背景引发了关于为应对全球转变向更绿色经济的工人确保“正义过渡”的必要性的辩论。
Speaking on the sidelines of the summit, Aron Cramer, president and chief executive of BSR, offered some tips for businesses on how to ensure their shift to greener operations supports a just transition. "One simple thing that can be done, on the procurement of renewable energy and something that many companies have now made strong commitments to — make sure that energy is procured from companies and providers that are applying good labor practices," he told us.



The row over carbon markets may have garnered headlines as the major sticking point for negotiators, but in the short term businesses should be aware the decision to delay the talks on Article 6 until next year will not have an immediate impact on the operation of carbon markets around the world.

As由碳简介指出, the Paris Agreement allows for carbon trading to move ahead even if no guidance exists yet in the Paris Rulebook to govern it. This means existing national carbon markets, and new ones in the pipeline, still will proceed as normal.

7.改变真实的经济 - 艰苦的工作现在开始

法国外交官和主要巴黎协议建筑师劳伦斯·图比亚纳(Laurence Tubiana)可能是企业最有先见之明的信息,因为谈判在卡托维奇(Katowice)结束时。



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