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Intel made tremendous strides over the past seven years in eliminating so-calledconflict — aka "blood" — minerals from much of its product line。但是,即使它已经达到了自己的承诺,但不要指望这家微处理器巨人会退缩其宣传运动。

Now, Intel is encouraging other tech organizations to become far more aggressive about shunning tin, tantalum, gold and tungsten mined from unverified sources in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

显然,您还可以将钴添加到列表中。A本周发布的新报告by Amnesty International links the mineral to the use of child labor across the Congo, which contributes almost half the world’s supply.

钴通常用于锂离子电池中,例如智能手机和电动汽车中的类型。根据非政府组织的说法,该矿石正在出售给中国的Huayou Cobalt,该矿石可能会碰到苹果,微软和三星等公司的供应链。

“州官员不仅知道在未经授权的地点进行采矿活动,而且他们也从财务上受益。”its report。"Officials from a range of different government and security agencies control access to unauthorized mining sites and demand illegal payments from artisanal miners."

It’s no secret that the profits from high-value mineral supplies originating in certain areas of the world, especially the Congo, have been linked to armed conflict and human rights violations. The2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act包括一项为公开交易的公司来解释高价值矿物质来源的规定。

英特尔是美国最早采用的美国科技公司之一领导角色in committing to ensuring its supply is "conflict free." It is doing so by sharing best practices for validating smelters and other supply chain partners so other tech companies can accelerate their own progress. What’s more, it is embarking on an awareness campaign that educates more consumers, especially millennials, about the problem.

It turns out a minority of Americans ages 18 to 35 (only 35 percent) have heard about conflict minerals, according to英特尔调查(PDF)published in December. But after being educated about the topic, they want more companies to take action, the data show.

英特尔的供应链总监和冲突矿业计划经理卡罗琳·杜兰(Carolyn Duran)写道:“这一代人希望我们做正确的事。”a recent blog邮政。“实际上,在接受了冲突矿物质问题的教育之后,超过一半的千禧一代表示,他们认为技术公司负责对冲突矿物的问题采取行动,而不是矿产供应商,政府,消费者或非政府组织。’t will millennials care about this topic, but when."






英特尔本身并没有做这一切。战斗中的一个主要盟友是无冲突采购计划,英特尔帮助与他人共同创立了这一点电子行业公民联盟Global e-Sustainability Initiative。在过去的几年中,英特尔为处理自己的冶炼厂合作伙伴而开发的过程最终成为CFSI的框架无冲突的冶炼厂计划

Currently, this isn’t a super high-tech proposition: the focus is on "tagging" validated ore and then sorting it into approved bags that can be identified easily up and down the supply chain. In essence, the focus is on creating a better paper trail for certified miners — smelters are encouraged to buy only from those sources. The challenge is to enforce this policy without penalizing legitimate miners that don’t have the resources to pay for an official audit, Duran said.



The London Bullion Market Association Responsible Gold Program

The Responsible Jewellery Council Chain-of-Custody Certification


The ITRI Tin Supply Chain Initiative



除了英特尔,其他技术公司还努力提高透明度Apple (PDF),,,,Hewlett Packard (PDF)(before its split) and三星(PDF)。But generally speaking, Amnesty International hasn’t been impressed with progress. ItsApril assessment100家公司发布的冲突矿产报告表明,有79%的人没有满足报告要求。在该列表中的公司中:亚马逊,苹果和IBM。
