Aviation is responsible for around 2 percent of global CO2 emissions。That’s more than 1 billion metric tons of carbon added to the atmosphere each year. So, the race is on to find alternatives to fossil fuels for planes.
And regulations around the world are changing. From 2022, France will require从该国出发的所有航班使用至少1%的可持续航空燃料。根据欧盟(EU)规则到2025年,所有从欧洲机场出发的航班都必须使用至少2%的可持续燃料,到2050。
航空公司的挑战是biofuels are four times more expensive than conventional jet fuel。Experts say it will越来越便宜。同时,欧盟正在禁止“打水” - 在欧盟外面装满飞机,以避免在欧洲机场购买生物燃料。
氢燃料电池已经powering buses in many cities around the world。But could this most volatile of gases be the solution to zero-carbon flying? One U.K. design team believes so and haswon a share of a $20 million government fund开发设计。
航空技术学院的Flyzero将承载多达280名乘客 - 与该座位相似波音787 Dreamliner和空中客车A330。使用liquid hydrogen stored at minus 250 degrees Celsiusin special tanks in the rear fuselage, it could then fly non-stop from London to San Francisco.
而且,不仅仅是正在开发的氢驱动喷气机。空中客车已经公布了它的零-E概念- 一系列零碳氢驱动的客机,其中包括使用氢燃料电池产生动力的电动发动机螺旋桨客机。
"There’s still the public misconception that hydrogen isn’t safe," says Airbus Vice President of Zero-Emission Aircraft Glenn Llewellyn. "What many people aren’t aware of are the extensive safety precautions that are considered in the design and operation of today’s kerosene-powered aircraft. Due to the rigorous application of these precautions, aviation has an impressive safety record."
当最近由电池供电的飞机飞越将新西兰北部和南岛分开的库克海峡, it was a big step forward for electric aviation. But the管道is a two-seater training plane. Will we ever see a battery-powered airliner?
电力对于实现未来环境目标的斗争至关重要, research into greener global transport suggests. While electric aircraft may have been around for decades, experts agreebattery technology will have to advance a fair way in terms of both weight and storage使大型商用电飞机成为现实。
例如最大的电池供电飞机乘坐天空去年。Magnix,发动机为电动塞斯纳(Electric Cessna)供电的公司最近获胜NASA的合同开发用于客机的电动发动机。这个五年的项目包括飞行测试一架全尺寸飞机。关注此空间。