With billions in public and private dollars pouring in, drivers across the U.S. will soon see a lot more EV charging stations popping up — on the streets of New York City, outside apartment complexes in Los Angeles and in the parking lot at the mall in Kansas.
The new federal infrastructure plan allocates $7.5 billion — including $2.5 billion in grants for projects that prioritize rural and disadvantaged communities — to build a national network of 500,000 EV charging stations that is both "convenient and equitable,"according to the White House. Federal officials offered上周更多详细信息关于如何申请并说他们希望这笔钱今年开始流动。涌入是由汽车制造商,车队经理,甚至是一些正在计划自己的充电网络的石油和天然气公司的私人投资,其中一些通过子公司和其他公司通过与电动汽车充电初创公司的合作伙伴关系。
咨询公司ICF咨询公司ICF的高级运输电气化总监Stacy Noblet说:“从很多方面来说,基础设施法案只是在过去几年中看到的很多进展。”betway必威娱乐来自汽车制造商的各种新电动汽车模型,在加利福尼亚州,科罗拉多州,纽约和田纳西州等地区在州一级的收费和进度方面取得的技术进步。“但是这是很多钱,它绝对会以突飞猛进的范围来推动行业的前进。我们从未见过这样的资金数字。”
每月有成千上万辆签名电动汽车,野马马赫(Mustang Mach)在道路上行驶,福特的高管对这种情况感到沮丧,they started sending company representatives他们将“充电天使”称为全国各地的问题站。代表测试并用特殊设备诊断充电器,然后与车站所有者共享结果。如果问题持续下去,福特将不再将其驾驶员引导到那里。

拉斯维加斯的电荷站站。通过Shutterstock/Kit Leong的图像
This initiative illustrates just how invested automakers are in the growth and improvement of the country’s network of charging stations, which was built piecemeal more than a decade ago and never taken very seriously — until now. Car companies know a mass transition to electric vehicles and their future sales depend on average drivers having a positive charging experience. That means charging stations must be prevalent, accessible, fast and dependable.
"What's going to be increasingly important, and it's getting a lot of attention today, is the raw reliability," Noblet said. "As an EV driver, no matter whose charging station you're using, or where it's at, you want to get a charge, and you want to know that your vehicle will get from point A to point B."
Roaming agreements among the biggest non-Tesla networks have made it so an app or card with one network will get you into any station, an important step toward accessibility.
- 大众汽车的目标是通过其子公司Electify America和欧洲的18,000个在美国推出10,000枚超快速充电器,并通过各种合作伙伴关系在欧洲和17,000个。
- General Motors has made a $750 million commitment to expand access to EV charging. Its Ultium Charge 360 program aims to give drivers in both the U.S. and Canada access to almost 60,000 charging outlets, through a partnership with seven EV charging companies, including Blink, ChargePoint, EV Connect, EVgo, FLO, Greenlots and SemaConnect. The automaker has struck an agreement with EVgo to install thousands of fast-charging stations nationally.
- 福特计划到2023年将其电动汽车产量翻一番,达到60万辆汽车的目标。像通用汽车的网络一样,其蓝色椭圆形电荷网络在七个系统上运行,并插入6,000多个快速充电站。
- 仅关于欧洲的注释:Ionity是宝马,福特,大众,戴姆勒和现代的合资企业,他表示将在2025年之前投资将近7.95亿美元,以将其网络增加到7,000个超快速充电器。
"I think we're going to see more of this collaboration between charging companies and automakers, and maybe more automakers just going out buying charging companies that are on the smaller side and vertically integrating them into their operation," Vartan Badalian, Under2 Coalition government affairs manager for the U.S. and Canada at Climate Group, told GreenBiz.

New York has launched a new curbside charging network dubbed PlugNYC. An initial 34 stations with 100 plugs, like this one in the Bronx, are being installed though a partnership with utility Con Edison and Canadian charging station startup FLO. Image courtesy of NYC DOT
To solve this problem, a number of cities and states are figuring out ways to convince apartment developers and managers to buy into the unfamiliar and expensive process of installing charging stations. Los Angeles, for example,正在向经理提供折扣who put charging stations in apartment parking lots, and it is updating its building codes to require chargers in new construction.
In New York City, a parking space in a private residential lot is a luxury the vast majority of residents don’t have, so the city has launched a new curbside charging network dubbed PlugNYC. An initial 34 stations with 100 plugs (plus four stations with 20 plugs for the city’s fleet vehicles) are being installed though a partnership with utility Con Edison and Canadian charging station startup FLO. The city计划建立全市网络到2030年,在40,000级公共级别2个充电器和6,000个直流快速充电器中。
电动汽车销售的速度比预期的要快。11月,研究公司Bloomberg NEF projected2021年全球销售额超过80%。在去年上半年,北美的EVS占汽车销售的3%,但BNEF预计在美国,美国欧洲电动汽车将增长到20%至30%。到2025年,中国基于这些市场中的“拟议和确认规则”。
With the fortuitous feedback loop of consumer demand, public policy and funding, and private investment turning, it’s no wonder dozens of charging station companies have popped up to vie for a share of the market. In the U.S., first-generation players such as ChargePoint, Electrify America and Tesla clearly have an opportunity to expand their foothold.
每个人都想成为最快的人,但是只有一个人可以拿起黄金,现在就是ABB。这家瑞典 - 斯威斯技术公司表示,其新的360 kilowatt充电站可以在15分钟内一次一次充电四辆电动汽车。为了透视这一点,最快的特斯拉增压站提供了250千瓦的电力。没有15分钟?没问题。该电台还具有更昂贵的超快速选项,可以在三分钟内提供62英里的范围。该公司计划今年将其超快速充电器带到美国,拉丁美洲和亚洲。
总部位于旧金山的初创公司充满了其模块化“ Lego”电池交换系统的投资者的兴趣。与您的典型插件充电器不同,拉到Ample电台的客户将收到新鲜充电的电池,以换取其耗尽的电池,然后初创企业随后为将来使用。Ample在其网站上说,其系统“可以轻松与任何电动汽车一起使用,并且可以作为原始电池设计的倒入替换。”完全自动化的交换过程仅需10分钟。客户将使用应用程序付款,甚至不需要开车。Ample已从投资者那里筹集了2.8亿美元,并扣押了一项协议,以收取Uber的旧金山舰队。预计其交换站将在几年内进入一般市场。
Beam Global
Based in sunny San Diego, Beam Global specializes in solar-powered off-grid EV charging that does not depend on a functioning grid to work. Beam’s transportable units, which are about the size of a parking space, have a 4.3-kilowatt solar array and up to 44 kilowatts of battery storage so they can be used day or night, during inclement weather and power outages, and in remote locations. Beam’s design allows an EV charger of the customer’s choice to be integrated into the unit; it has installed systems using ENEL X Juiceboxes, ChargePoint and Electrify America chargers, among others. Beam’s customer niche is local government. It has installations in more than 100 municipalities in the U.S. and around the world, including 52 in California. Beam also recently landed a contract with the U.S. military.
Enel X
包括眨眼和电动汽车连接在内的许多充电初创公司都在追随不断增长的电动汽车车队市场,其平台使车队经理可以跟踪大量车辆和充电器,监控充电和负载管理,并通过充电期间降低能源成本非高峰时间。但是Enel X通过开发软件,使员工可以使用其Juicebox充电器在家中为公司的车辆收取公司的费用,从而进一步迈出了一步。借助公司的物联网软件,机队经理可以远程访问来监视充电和能源使用。驾驶员在非高峰时段向家中的车辆收费,这减少了现场电力需求和公司的成本,并减轻了电网的压力 - 并由雇主偿还。Enel Group的高级能源服务部门Enel X与车队管理公司,Element和Merchants Fleet建立了合作伙伴关系,以及与GlaxoSmithkline和Biogen的协议,这两者都旨在快速使其机队电气化。
evgois another first-generation charging startup, included here because of its apparent zeal for a particular market segment: charge while you shop. EVgo boasts one of the country’s largest fast-charging networks, with more than 800 fast-charging stations in 34 states, all 100 percent powered by renewable energy. In addition to expanded agreements with GM and Uber, the Los Angeles-based company’s chargers are popping up in shopping centers and grocery store parking lots across the country. Its partners include CBL Properties, which owns malls, outlet centers and other retail properties across 24 states; supermarket chains Whole Foods and Kroger; and convenience store chains Wawa and Sheetz. EVgo’s chargers, which provide an 80 percent charge in 15 to 45 minutes, can be found at CBL malls in Virginia, Florida, Michigan and Kansas.
弗朗西斯能源公司(Francis Energy)与希望收取美国城市的电动汽车的人相反,旨在应对大规模收养的另一个挑战:美国农村地区缺乏充电站。该初创公司总部位于俄克拉荷马州的塔尔萨,一直在大平原的偏远地区安装快速充电器,包括在部落土地上,并通过将车站放在66号公路上来使经典的美国公路旅行EV友好。be in areas with few electric cars on the road, Francis is betting on Washington, D.C.’s infrastructure funding and the heartland’s love of pickup trucks. Several automakers, including Ford, Chevrolet and GM, plan to roll out new electric pickups this year or next. And deliveries for the Rivian R1T and GM’s Hummer EV have already started.
While rivals BP and Total are also making moves into EV charging, Shell is leading a niche segment we’ll call oil companies that have half a clue. The Anglo-Dutch oil major has made several acquisitions, including a significant one in the U.S. — in 2019, it bought Greenlots, a Los Angeles-based startup that will soon be rebranded as Shell Recharge Solutions. Globally, Shell installs an EV charge point every 20 minutes, it says, and it’s aiming to operate 500,000 of them by 2025 and 2.5 million by 2030. Rival BP, which recently said its fast chargers are on the cusp of becoming more profitable than filling up a gas-powered car in Britain and Europe, has also taken its first major step into the U.S. market. Late last year, it acquired Amply Power, a specialist in EV charging and management for fleets that operate trucks, transit and school buses, vans and light-duty vehicles.
Home charging will remain the primary method for most EV owners, and Spain’s Wallbox makes a home charger that is compatible with all EVs, including Teslas, with a super-fast version that is one of the fastest home chargers on the market. The startup also recently launched the latest generation of its bidirectional home charger, the Quasar 2, which not only allows EV owners to send power from their vehicle to their home or the grid, it also lets them isolate their house from the grid and use their EV for backup power during an outage. Wallbox says its Quasar 2 can power a home for more than three days during a blackout. Its U.S. expansion strategy includes a partnership with Uber, which offers a discounted rate for the Wallbox Pulsar Plus charger to the ride-sharing company’s drivers.