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BSR2009: How to Accelerate Through the Downturn

Having just returned to our offices after a great week at theBSR 2009年会议in San Francisco, I am both sobered by the daunting challenges we face as a global community and inspired by the unprecedented opportunities we have to meet -- and beat -- them. With our powerful network of organizations and individuals committed to making a difference, I believe we can do this.

由于BSR总裁兼首席执行官阿隆克拉默noted in his opening remarks, the mere fact that 1,000 of you, from nearly 40 countries, came to learn, discuss, and debate the best path forward shows that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is alive and well in the midst of the worst recession we have seen in decades.



  1. Promote innovation for sustainability.
  2. Embrace systems redesign.
  3. Maximize the power of networks.

This framework nicely summarizes the outputs of the diverse plenary sessions, breakouts, workshops, and hallway conversations that unfolded over the next three days of the BSR Conference in San Francisco.

Promote Innovation for Sustainability


  • 根据阿尔卡特朗讯CEO韦华恩: “Innovation is not just technology. It is doing things better, and doing things on a bigger scale.”
  • Erik Joule of Levi Strauss & Co.(pdf) emphasized that innovation is just as often about making small changes and focusing on small wins as it is a single grand redesign.
  • In his session onecoliteracy和生态设计(pdf), Fritjof Capra called on us to evolve from a focus on objects to a focus on relationships. Using the example of cars, he pointed out that the value is not in the car as a product, but in the car as a mobility service.
  • 远大空调总裁张跃呼应这一主题时,他特点,他公司的使命还不如卖空调的,但作为“使我们的客户更节能。”
  • In the plenary panel on可持续性融入创新必威体育2018耐克可持续业务和创新副总裁汉娜·琼斯强调的是,基于可持续发展创新的需求是“在那里,开源和共享。”必威体育2018在同一会议上,约翰·卡指出,没有任何一个球员或部门拥有所有的答案。他呼吁合作的公共和私营组织,非政府组织和民间社会之间的一种新形式。
  • Public-private partnerships were also the subjects of伊丽莎白·巴格利弗劳利的全体会议上的发言以及我们在两个小时的工作会议政府的伙伴关系(pdf), Howcast媒体共同创始人Sanjay喇曼noted, “Once you start working with someone in government, it connects you to a lot more people, and that opens lots of doors.”

Embrace Systems Redesign

克拉默成立上周讨论的系统在他与“的所有系统问题的母亲”的描述开场白重新设计 - 全球气候变化。他指出,虽然所有的目光都集中在政府助跑到哥本哈根,企业可以塑造什么样的政府通过展示领导,这将有助于促进和加强政策讨论做,在部分。重新设计的系统作为一个概念在一周想出了多次,涉及的问题进行了广泛的全球,行业和/或个别企业层面:

  • Broad Air Conditioning’s Zhang called for a fundamental re-think of the current focus on growth and development, noting that it is “not the biggest that will survive, but the best. … More is not necessarily better.”
  • In our session on thechanging role of the CSR team in a reset world,Marks&Spencer公司的理查德·吉利斯重点是需要重新定义企业社会责任与企业战略之间的联系,从认识到明显的领导移动高层管理人员包括:可持续发展需要“LED CEO,CEO不赞助或认可或批准。”必威体育2018
  • Aramex国际公司CEO法迪Gandhour另外,代替传统的慈善方式,他的公司正在致力于“培养当地社区”创建和维护为未来可持续的商业成功的必要条件。
  • 在与水有关的风险会前培训,庄臣泰华施的参与者罗伯特以色列提醒我们要阻止我们的“筒仓版”的思想,并保持大局考虑,即使是在我们的可持续发展举措:“部分中,我们都有问题必威体育2018when we’re talking about water footprinting, is that we need to go beyond that and look at the relationship between water, energy, waste, and toxics. We really need a total footprint.”
  • Alcatel-Lucent’s Verwaayen highlighted the fact that diverse global perspectives will be a critical input to developing true sustainability solutions. He noted that the recent shift in emphasis from the G8 to the G-20 is a positive development, marking the real end of our post-World War II institutional arrangements.

Maximize the Power of Networks


  • Microsoft’s Pamela Passman(pdf) noted that, historically, information technologies have embraced what session moderator Zachary Karabell called “coopetition“ -- cooperation among companies that are also competitors on a host of issues such as environmental sustainability, privacy, safety, and education.
  • This idea was also referenced in our session on必威体育2018可持续发展的解决方案(PDF),其中IBM的鹅蛋迪翁指出,科技行业是一个网络:“根据需要,我们必须合作。”
  • 利益相关者参与是已经发展到满足各种需求,从市场的发展和创新,以解决冲突的一个强大的网络的方法。由于Gap公司的Dan Henkle在我们的会议上指出企业的利益相关者参与(PDF):“这些问题是如此复杂,没有单一的方法。你必须找到合适的专家,并利用许多的电力为一体的力量。”

I hope you left the conference feeling as engaged and exhilarated as I did. The themes of innovation, systems redesign, and leveraging networks, which were so richly reinforced all week, will continue to guide BSR’s work -- with you and for you -- this year and beyond.

We obviously can’t do it without your input and active participation. We sent all participants a brief emailsurvey上周五要求就如何提高会议体验的质量您的建议。我们把你的意见和喜好非常重视,所以请以本次调查回应。有了您的反馈,我们期待着计划一个更强大BSR会议2010, to be held November 2-5, 2010, in New York.

Eric Olson is senior vice president of Advisory Services atBSR

Image CC licensed by Flickr userJim Sneddon

