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Business and nations headline WRI's stories to watch in 2015


As world leaders deal with climate change, aim to lift more people out of poverty and make the world a more sustainable, prosperous place in 2015, here are the top观看的故事, according to WRI’s experts and as presented by WRI President and CEO Andrew Steer on Jan. 8.



“这不会是你的老爷爷的普通香草,教科书气候协议。这将是比这更有趣的更有趣的是,“Steer告诉a packed briefing在华盛顿的国家新闻俱乐部。跟随hottest year on record,2015年开始momentum to limit greenhouse gases, as 38 countries and 23 cities, states and provinces now have a price on carbon dioxide emissions. With emissions higher than at any point in history, keeping the planet cool enough to avoid the worst consequences of climate change is possible only with rapidly reduced emissions and big changes in the energy mix.

美国,欧盟和中国,其中占所有温室气体排放的一半,已经承诺了做更多做, but that may not be enough. All nations are expected to make their emissions-cutting commitments known in the first half of the year, and these pledges will send important signals about抱负12月达成的最终协议。

美国可以领导这个问题,并提出将其排放量减少26%至2005年的28%到2025年。但这种减少可能主要取决于rules on power plant emissions由美国环境保护局发布。环保署的最终标准是多么强大?


在九月,leaders will gather at the United Nations headquarters to agree on goalsto reduce world poverty while encouraging sustainable development, replacing the Millennium Development Goals that expire this year. While the MDGs helped cut poverty in half from 1990 through 2015, 1.2 billion people still live on less than $1.25 a day.



“旧的政府间做这ngs is breaking down quite rapidly,” Steer said. He pointed to public-private partnerships that bring governments, businesses and civil society groups together to make progress on sustainability, climate and other issues. These include the热带森林联盟2020旨在减少2020年从商品扩张的热带砍伐砍伐;该市长紧凑(PDF), an agreement signed by leaders of 228 cities to cut 13 gigatons of carbon emissions by mid-century; and the纽约森林宣言(PDF),一个致力于巨大的倡议restoring未来15年,3.5亿公顷(865万英亩)的退化土地。提供了这些联盟和其他联盟遵循他们的承诺, they can tap into the message of the新的气候经济报告, making economic growth and environmental sustainability work together.

4. Water risk rising

From the western United States to Brazil to China, water scarcity is a global stressor. WRI’s Aqueduct platform found that 36 countries面对极端水平的水分压力。根据最近的科学论文,美国西部正在经历它最糟糕的干旱in 1,200 years. In Brazil, the city of São Paolo is in its最糟糕的干旱in 80 years,其水库系统降至7.1%的容量。在中国,90%的沿海城市面临水分压力。

私营部门开始回应。Brewer Ambev.uses3.3升水制作1升啤酒,从2002年的5升下来。麦当劳正在加入渡槽的水风险评估进入其供应链。消费品巨头宝册和赌博计划to reduce water use in its factories by 20 percent per unit of production over 2010, focusing its plans in water-stressed regions. Will other companies and governments follow? Will there be innovative water management policies, such as水定价or new efficiency mandates and incentives?






Along with India’s Modi, Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff, Turkey’s Recep Tayyip ErdoGAND INDonesia的Joko Widodo共同代表了18亿人口,世界人口四分之一。他们的国家也具有重大挑战:巴西城市挣扎着白化干旱和印度尼西亚面临pressure from expanding agricultureandother industries that drive deforestation。这些领导人是否会拥抱可持续的低碳增长?

