[Editor's Note: GreenBiz contributor Eric Louie wrote last week about some of the current云计算的环境效益。在这篇文章中,最初发表在BSR洞察,BSR作者邓斯坦佳佳和希望瑞安Schucharddiscuss the tech trend's potential for even greater sustainability gains.]
十年前,它很难but the most tech-savvy to imagine the extent of cloud computing today. The cloud -- what some are calling “the factory of the 21st世纪” - 是数据中心的一个复杂的系统,世界各地所存储,处理和传递对在互联网上的需求信息,提供的资源,应用和信息,他们以前可能需要本地存储的用户。云,通过IT服务公司,互联网公司和电信服务供应商,提供服务的网络,我们所有的运行,从银行和零售商和你我一样的人。它既是真实的 - 需要传统投入如电力 - 和虚拟化。
纵观企业社会责任的历史,几大趋势已经重新定义了我们如何看待企业的道德。制造业向劳动力成本低和宽松的法规,例如,导致意识上升约供应商工厂的工作条件地方的外包。或者越来越多的生活在“金字塔底层”的人(谁在每天少于2.50 $存在的,现在2.5十亿人)促使企业解决全球贫困,同时推进商业利益。
We believe cloud computing has the potential to create new sustainability and ethical dilemmas. Addressing these dilemmas calls for a rethink on how we approach corporate responsibility.
在2011 BSR会议,欧特克公司首席执行官卡尔·巴斯posed a question about the power of what he called “infinite computing,” asking what we can do to harness the unlimited amount of computing to help solve some of today’s most pressing problems.
毫无疑问的是计算的膨胀动力可以帮助我们应对可持续发展的挑战,但这种技术也从地球有限的环境股票和生物圈平局。必威体育2018数据中心已经负责nearly 1.5 percent of global electricity use- 有令人不安的迹象表明,数据中心的电力使用将继续大幅增长 - 已稳步攀升,尽管最近的经济衰退的水平。
该re are several interconnected issues related to the cloud’s impact on climate change: its swelling energy footprint, the fact that location makes all the difference on the carbon footprint, the cloak of secrecy around data center sites and the challenge of accounting for carbon when collaboration is so complex.
Regarding the first issue, there have been breakthroughs in energy efficiency at data centers, such as chiller-less servers and pods that use low energy in harsh climates, and there will be more. But as affluent consumers desire more high-tech equipment and applications grow hungrier for energy, global energy consumption will rise by around 40 percent by 2030, likely causing energy demand from data centers to outstrip efficiency gains.
Facility location is another challenge: If all else is equal, data center operators will build facilities where the energy is cheap, and usually, that means dirty. In the United States,以上所有顶级数据中心的一半靠煤为广大的能源需求,这意味着很多中心在北卡罗莱纳州和中西部聚集的新数据。
Meanwhile, there is a tendency for operators to keep quiet about where their sites are located, which runs against the good practice of making carbon information transparent. Many companies keep certain site locations, such as suppliers, under wraps for competitive reasons, and cloud companies are even more secretive about data center locations due to often legitimate concerns about security. Customers whose personal information is stored at these data centers tend to appreciate this. Nevertheless, transparency about local carbon impacts remains a key element of climate responsibility, and companies will be under increasing pressure to disclose more and, when they can’t disclose, to explain why.
Finally, the cloud’s value chain is more complex than what current accounting and reporting systems can handle. Even the new Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s范围3标准, the authoritative framework for measuring carbon in value chains, offers little guidance. The difficulty lies in the fact that the disparate collection of IT services companies, Internet firms, telecommunications and service providers make it hard to create accountability for carbon performance as a system.
- Location matters.一个云碳减排的最大机遇是选址,因为能源占如此大的比重数据中心的占用空间和电力的碳含量是由当地电网的投资组合确定。这使得可持续发展,运营和房地产团队管理碳性能是至关重要必威体育2018之间对齐。此外,被架设数据中心的建筑公司有责任教育他们的客户对碳排放影响和风险,从他们选择的位置这一结果。他们也有机会通过以帮助提供更好的见解与服务,加强客户关系,充分利用低碳选址。
- 公司在影响电网的作用。由于数据中心可以大能源用户,杠杆率开发商和运营商的另外一点是要影响当地的政策制定者和公用事业投资于更可持续的能源。起初,这似乎激进。但是,精明的企业已经商议电价的实用程序和对各种政策问题的地方政府搞,所以这可能是这些对话的延伸。此外,电力公司是有效的主要供应商 - 如果不是该key supplier -- for energy-intense data centers and the practice of engaging suppliers on sustainability is a common frame of reference.
- 透明度将加强协作。数据中心运营商需要更加积极主动地通过报道多,因为他们可以通过有关碳排放披露项目碳排放影响,更认真地了解什么可以和什么不能披露可以交流推进碳透明度。的信息越多公司可以提供,更多的工具研究人员,民间社会和服务提供商必须建立度量和提高能源和碳效率运作的投资激励措施的公共政策。
该Cloud and Human Rights
When it comes to siting data centers, companies are understandably nervous about storing data in jurisdictions that may not respect the rights of their users and customers. For this reason, they often choose to locate data centers in places with favorable privacy laws, even if that means storing the data in a country outside the user’s location. Yahoo, for example, chose to locate its services targeted at the Vietnamese market in Singapore. However, governments are becoming wise to this and can retaliate by requiring that data be located within the country if the business is licensed to operate there.
云提供商的第二个职责涉及到其作为当执法来敲门个人信息的用户数据的把关作用。从理论上讲,它是客户 - 银行或零售商,例如,而不是云服务提供商 - 即响应执法需求。然而,经常发生的事情在执法方面在神秘笼罩。有各种控件和地方政府可以作为可以完全绕过了客户,直接进入到云服务提供商的经营许可证的一部分实施的条件。另外,非常重要的是,当云公司提供的服务,如电子邮件或文件存储到个人客户,它是决定是否在执法的需求,而不是客户给公司。
So what is a responsible company to do? Consider these three ethical issues:
- Location:对于用户和云服务供应商都,它有一个选址策略,充分考虑了数据中心和网络架构位于法律和司法的问题是非常重要的。
- 该role of law enforcement:对于云服务提供商而言,重要的是要知道如何管理执法的关系。这可能意味着坚持正当程序的,具有挑战性的,可能危及人权的执法要求,并促进善政和法治。该Global Network Initiative是支持企业和政府之间的互动,以执行法律负责任的态度的一个很好的例子保护的隐私权,安全和言论自由。
- 该importance of raising awareness:云服务供应商在该领域的专家,因此有责任向谁少知道关于云计算如何影响隐私和言论自由的用户提供咨询和指导。
在我们与云计算公司的谈话中,我们遇到了反对的一些在这里表达的观点。我们听说它认为,云服务公司有没有生意试图影响能源政策 - 这是能源工业的特权。我们还听说,云提供商应该坚持“非物质化”的经济(减少经济运行所需的物理材料的数量)和他们的核心贡献“使解决方案。”我们已经听到它认为,云计算服务的公司,应避免参与人权,法治和良好治理的高风险国家的规则 - 即政府知道最好的和商业的作用应该是简单地按照他们的法律。
As cloud computing takes hold and changes the profile of business, so too will it change notions of business ethics and corporate responsibility. There was once a time when business would argue that suppliers should take sole responsibility for following labor and environmental laws, yet today we see armies of auditors and labor relations specialists going above and beyond what is legally required. A similar transition will arise with cloud computing, and activities deemed outside the scope of corporate responsibility today -- challenging unreasonable law enforcement demands and meddling in energy policy -- will be mainstream tomorrow. Now is the time for today’s most innovative companies to define what that looks like in practice.
This article was originally published in the BSR Insight.