Cultivating a regenerative food system
发布时间由艾伦·麦克阿瑟基金会,"A New Dynamic 2: Effective Systems In a Circular Economy"汇集了18个重点思想家,商业领袖和学者谁超越各自学科的界限,并建立必要的连接重新思考我们目前的发展道路。本卷有助于进一步了解和参与实现循环经济模式。betway必威体育手机版
20世纪的农业故事是空前的成功之一:由于更深入,更专业的种植,农民显着提高生产力和保持粮食价格低。然而,这个产业已经建立了自己的问题,并可能 - 不变 - 蒸汽不多了。在2010年,一个世纪以来首次全球粮食产量的增长跌破了全球人口的增长。
这就是为什么现在是时候离开了become a "linear food system": a take, make, dispose system in which, too often, synthetic inputs go into the land; the land gets overused, and a huge proportion of the food produced is wasted and ends up in landfill. In addition, many nutrients never make it back to the field, stacking up in contaminated sludge. The goal should be to move toward a regenerative model in which land is restored as it is used and in which nutrient and material loops provide much-needed inputs, resulting in a healthier food supply.
In terms of how to get started on the circular path, there are a number of promising approaches.
Retain and restore natural capital
Restoration of large, damaged ecosystems is possible and the commercial potential is already proven. One famous example is the Loess plateau in China, where 3.7 million acres of degraded land have been restored since the mid-1990s. This project lifted more than 2.5 million people out of poverty, almost tripling their income, by replacing low-value agricultural commodities with high-value products. Per capita grain output rose 60 percent and the perennial vegetation cover doubled from 17 percent to 34 percent. In addition, flood control, water use, employment, biodiversity and carbon absorption all improved.
咸味研究所,总部设在科罗拉多州,促进了模仿自然的过程。由于研究所所描述的那样,管理者控制牲畜,这样的条件模仿人存在时,草原上发展而来的捕食关系。这涉及到土地分割成更小的牧场,把牛大群,和整个财产频繁移动它们。从使用和休息的周期,土地的好处 - 在天然草地生态系统放牧动物中观察到相同的模式。这种方法再生超过6100000英亩。
There is great potential to recover nutrients from various waste streams and either put them to work into new systems or return them to where they came from as inputs. That is what we mean by "closing the loop," a cycle of use and reuse.
Various sustainable and regenerative agricultural practices return the recovered resources and use them in organic production systems that preserve natural capital and optimize long-term yields. Organically cultivated land area in Europe is expanding 6 percent a year.
In Europe, Barcelona has announced a goal of producing half its food in the metropolitan region. Establishing shorter supply chains between farms and retailers or consumers reduces the waste associated with transport. Doing so can also help to create local jobs and strengthen rural-urban links.
On a smaller scale, urban farming is also emerging, in the form of vertical, hydroponic and aquaponic farms. Vertical farms grow produce inside or on top of buildings. Typically, these farms use 70 to 90 percent less water and fertilizer than conventional ones because they keep unabsorbed water and nutrients in the system.
It needs hardly be said that cities are not going to supplant traditional farms. But given that more than half the world’s population lives in urban areas (a percentage that is growing), the idea that cities have a role to play in food production makes sense.
Create digital supply chains to reduce food waste
20 percent of food gets wasted on its way from the farm to the store in developed economies. Big data and IT can help to improve inventory management and thus shrink that figure.
在$ 346十亿机会
A circular food system would combine all these approaches, while also incorporating the best of traditional agriculture, to improve both the quality of the food produced and the health of the land that produces it.
圆形的情况可能还会产生比其他更多的就业机会,因为有机农业和废物管理是相对劳动密集型的活动。总而言之,我们估计,如果欧洲实现上述四种方法中,直接和间接的经济效益可达到$ 346十亿(相比目前的发展路径)。