
米尔顿·弗里德曼(Milton Friedman)的幽灵认可碳的价格

The familiar, shimmering apparition hovered above the room for a minute or two, then left, then reappeared for a bit longer before fading away.


Nearly a decade after his death in 2006, Milton Friedman — the man the Economist描述作为“ 20世纪下半叶最有影响力的经济学家……可能是所有人” - 回到芝加哥大学,在那里他建立了1976年诺贝尔经济学奖的声誉将他确立为Laissez-Faire Economics的守护神。

But unlike the free-market fundamentalists and Tea Party pontificators who often invoke his name, Friedman didn't see the market as some all-knowing force that operates without governance, and he wasn't opposed to environmental legislation. What he opposed was command-and-control regulation that dictated narrow solutions to complex and evolving challenges, and what he favored was something a bit more nuanced than the simplistic slogans spouted on Fox News.

因此,前南卡罗来纳州国会议员鲍勃·英格利斯(Bob Inglis)和两位芝加哥大学教授恢复了弗里德曼(Friedman),回答了一个问题:“米尔顿·弗里德曼(Milton Friedman)会对气候变化做什么?”

他们利用弗里德曼(Fiery Friedman)在20世纪挑战的视频中的摘录引发了关于污染经济学和与意识形态交流的艺术的有见地,信息丰富,甚至有趣的辩证法 - 在此过程中创造了“外部性,外部性,外部性,外部性,,,,,,外部性”的介绍。“弗里德曼(Friedman)说:“两个人的所作所为影响第三方。”(污染是经典的外部性。)

在他的第一次露面时,虚拟弗里德曼(Virtual Friedman)为他的一天中的烦恼问题提供了解决方案。

“The best way to [reduce auto emissions] is to impose a tax on the amount of pollutants emitted by a car," he said. "[This] make[s] it in the self-interest of car manufacturers and consumers to keep down the amount of pollution."

Steve Cicala, an assistant professor at the University of Chicago's Harris School of Public Policy, then brought us into the logic of Friedman's conclusion with a hypothetical. Let's pretend, he said, that he owns a steel mill that sells its product for $100 a ton. And let's further pretend that co-panelist Michael Greenstone, the university's Milton Friedman Professor of Economics, lives downwind from his mill.


Pollution is theft

Cicala is unequivocal on the morality of this situation: "I compensate every one of my other input suppliers," he said. "I have to buy the coal. I have to buy the steel. All of that exchange is based on mutually beneficial, willing exchange, but there's no market for the pollution that I'm inflicting on Michael."

If he doesn't compensate Greenstone for damages — and do so in a way that Greenstone agrees to — then Cicala said he's not a capitalist. He's a criminal.


英格里斯,一个理性的共和党人驱逐了由茶党叛乱分子在2010年,然后询问教授他们对自己政党中教条的反税言论的看法 - 特别是,他提出了德克萨斯州州长里克·佩里(Rick Perry)的驳回碳税因为它会提高能源率。

Greenstone said the governor probably was correct, but that doesn't make him morally right because greenhouse gasses are "sprinkling around damages in Bangladesh, in Los Angeles, in Houston, and even in Austin, where Gov. Perry works."

And, unlike Cicala's factory, this isn't a hypothetical.

“Those costs are real," he said. "And they're not being reflected in the price I pay when I fill my gas tank or turn on the light."

So, yes, Perry is correct about the cost of energy — at least in the short term, and to immediate consumers — but he's morally wrong to resist an effort to pay for "these innocent parties who are minding their own business and having the climate change around them."






他说:“我们需要的是一种调整机制,它将使我们能够适应它的发展。”“当然,正如这个房间里的每个人都知道的那样,有这样的系统 - 即价格机制 - 成功地转向了我们从木材到煤炭到煤油到鲸鱼到石油到天然气的几个世纪。”

That mechanism works better than command-and-control, he said, because it promotes solutions that we never could have predicted bureaucratically. Greenstone wholeheartedly agreed.









“But the fear with the tax is that it will keep on going up," said Inglis. "If you start taxing at this price, then how high does it go?"


“There's emerging science around that," he said, citing research into the impact of plunges in crop yields and other results.


在讨论的后面,他说,未能将环境退化的成本嵌入生产成本中,每年为行业的近2400亿美元的大量补贴 - 他通过将美国排放量达到每年60亿吨而获得的数量并乘以每吨40美元。


(作为附带说明,欧洲委员会还提倡设定价格 - 基于改用低排放技术的成本。其目标价格为每吨30欧元。)





“If I were still in Congress and had a carbon tax that wasn't border adjustable, I couldn't vote for it because of the problem just identified," he said. "We would become double losers. We lose employment and we lose the race to reduce emissions. Then, domestically, there are those who will fight anything that increases taxes in one area without a reduction elsewhere."

然后,他通过指出他现在负责的组织,即保守的能源与企业倡议(共同主持)的组织,他认为任何碳税都应该是“收入中立”,这意味着“一美元”,这意味着“一美元 -在其他地方减税。”他说,如果我们增加碳税,那么我们必须减少另一项税款,以防止政府变得太大,并以令人耳目一新的内省询问,“这是经济学表明的,或者只是我的保守哲学那里?”

Here they floundered a bit — talking about the chance to reduce "distortionary" taxes while ramping up a tax that corrects a market distortion, but not directly taking on the distortionary subsidies given to the oil sector.



一个是隐性的:您可以从他们的其他陈述中告诉他们这些绅士对石油部门的补贴。但是,另一个是他们只裙子的裙子:即,如果这是税收,这笔钱会怎么办 - 尤其是如果收入中立是“当务之急”的话,正如英格里斯所说的那样?


There's also a weird digression where they talk about the importance of American leadership — this on an issue where the U.S. has been doing globally what the Republicans have been doing domestically: namely, gunking things up. You could also argue, as Greenstone implied, that the global "solutions" developed so far are flawed to the bone, but they don't really address existing global measures or lessons to be learned from their failures.



尽管如此,或者也许是因为这样做的 - 围绕边界调整的讨论实际上令人着迷,尤其是当Cicola提出了在世界贸易组织中引起挑战的想法时。在他的情况下,将对进口商品的碳税税,以使原籍国同等税抵消的方式。


如果那些国家没有施加碳税on their own exported products?



Towards the end, Inglis opened a thread that's obviously near and dear to his heart: how to convince idealogues on the right that climate science is real and we need to deal with it. He provided two answers: one is to slowly build a tribe of rational conservatives who are now too afraid to raise their voices lest some pinhead from the Heartland Institute pillories them; the other is to begin with the end in mind — namely, begin with the message that we can fix this mess without creating the kind of bloated bureaucracy that no one really wants.




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