



GreenBiz Group


Rating a company on its environmental, social and governance performance and policies is a daunting task.

它可能需要数十个来源的矿山数据,最终将其全部归结为一个度量标准 - 在大多数情况下,字母等级或数字得分。这意味着要为数十个部门的成千上万的公司做到这一点,并将其保持最新,反映了公司领导,战略和环境的变化,更不用说部门趋势了。

That’s not all. The scores, and some underlying data, need to be assessed comparably and transparently against a consistent methodology, adjusted for each sector to reflect the nature of the rated companies’ business operations. And as some large companies may be in multiple businesses — General Motors, for example, makes vehicles but also has a financial services business, GM Financial, that underwrites leases — a given company’s rating may require assessing them from multiple angles.





Sprawling landscape

To begin to understand the nature of ESG ratings, one must appreciate the sprawling landscape they aim to describe.

让我们从环境问题开始 - ESG中的“ E”。评级公司可能会询问的主题包括:温室气体排放;其他空气排放;用水和排放;碳足迹:结束化石燃料的政策;土壤污染;遵守《巴黎协定目标》;能耗和强度;使用可再生能源;产生危险废物; deforestation; product reusability and recyclability; reliance on declining natural capital stocks; operations affecting protected or threatened species and susceptibility of facilities to extreme weather events.

现在,对于“ S”,社会维度,从定义上讲,它主要关注人们。在主题中:人权,儿童或强迫劳动在供应链中,员工和供应商的多样性和包容性,公平代表和薪酬,歧视,个人数据安全和隐私,产品安全,工人安全和福祉,网络安全风险,社区关系,人力发展,家庭离开政策和动物福利。

最后,有一个“ G”,用于治理,一个主题着眼于整个方面的公司的组织结构,政策和行为,其中一些不容易适合环境和社交水桶。其中包括:公司遵守地方和国家法律,董事会多样性,高管薪酬,董事会参与以及对ESG问题,商业道德,利益冲突,透明度和问责制,行为准则,腐败和贿赂,税收报告和政策报告。



还要注意,其中一些主题本质上是短期的,而另一些则是长期的。一些活动涉及可以直接由公司控制的活动,而另一些活动则不在公司的直接影响力之外 - 在供应链中或客户使用产品,例如,在东道国政府的法律和习俗中。

Still other considerations in creating an ESG score are a company’s business model, financial strength, geography and "incident" history — that is, the number of accidents, lawsuits, fines and other circumstances that could indicate sloppy or unethical practices and, thus, increased risk to a company and its shareholders.

您可能会问,甚至有可能评估和评分如此丰富的各种物品菜单,更不用说将它们全部汇总成一个指标。要了解如何完成此操作,涉及深入研究大多数评估者网站上公开可用的方法。对于强壮的人来说,它们适用于最常用的五个评级机构:ISS;穆迪;MSCI;标普全球; and可持续发展







  • 物质性:Determining which indicators are relevant for a given company and sector
  • 数据收集:从各种来源收集有关公司的信息
  • Scoring:加权和评估数据以创建评级

Let’s take a brief look at each.

物质性。To assess a given company requires understanding what’s material for that company — that is, what environmental, social and governance issues are deemed fundamental to a company’s financial success or that can create legal, regulatory, reputational or other risks. According to the Value Reporting Foundation, "a matter is material if it could substantively affect the organization’s ability to create value in the short, medium and long term."

Obviously, that means starting with a company’s sector; there tends to be a high level of commonality among companies doing similar things. But it also means understanding the company itself: Where in the world it has facilities, what activities take place at each location, the kinds of resources it uses and where it sources them, and other issues.



Filling in those gaps requires the rating organization to engage in something called "imputation" — essentially, making educated guesses, albeit very sophisticated ones, involving statistical regression models, input-output calculations and other techniques. This is a dirty secret of ESG ratings: Half or more of the data used to create them is imputed, not actual, verifiable information.

评级组织强调,他们多年来做这些事情会产生准确的结果,尽管每个评估者都使用自己的方法(每个方法都有其内置偏见),它可能会导致对特定公司的假设截然不同。(More on that later.) And not all raters use imputation to fill in gaps, meaning that one could falsely assume that a company doesn’t have any carbon emissions, and therefore no risk in that regard, simply because it did not disclose any such information.

插补的一个好处是,它创建了稻草人分析,即评估者可以利用提供不完整信息或根本没有的公司的注意力。“插补的作用是填补没有披露的空白,但同时也为公司并列,以查看我们如何实际分析其业务,尽管他们没有对此进行报告,” S&P Global Sustainable的总裁Richard Mattison 1,解释。他补充说,在查看S&P的ESG评分时,读者可以选择从其视图中包括或排除估算数据。“我们对归纳在得分中所带来的差异非常透明。”






并非每个人都喜欢创建评分的过程。“这是基于积分的。这不是基于绩效的。”可持续性会计标准委员会的继任者Value Reporting Foundation的投资者关系总监Katie Schmitz Eulitt说。必威体育2018“在不知道黑匣子中发生的事情的情况下,人们可以推断他们似乎仍在研究要点和政策,而不是在表现上。”


这个词 - “黑匣子” - 在我为本系列的许多对话中出现了,尤其是来自评分的公司,其中许多不想被引用以与评级公司保持良好的关系。他们说,尽管评估者统一地吹捧他们的透明度,但整个过程似乎笼罩着许多人。他们似乎不了解评估者如何达到他们的特定评级,也不了解公司下次对公司的评价更好。

Visa首席可持续发展官道格·萨博(Doug Sabo)说:“其中一些是‘他们是如何提出这个数字的?我们认为我们为此提供了最高的答案。’必威体育2018“我们想朝ESG朝着正确的方向前进。公司希望公司朝正确的方向发展。投资者想要同样的事情。任务一致。但是,如果我们不是我们不是,您是否可以使我们更容易理解在顶部表演,我们还能做什么?有时很难获得反馈。”


纳斯达克首席可持续发展官埃文·哈维(Evan Harvey)表示:“我与各种规模和许多不同的成熟水平的公司合作,排名和评级。”必威体育2018“And this is far and away the No. 1 topic of conversation. I mean, now it might be the [Securities and Exchange Commission] proposal. But up until very, very recently, ‘Our company is being unfairly ranked or rated by these firms’ was the No. 1 concern. ‘Can you fix that for me?’"

Companies, Harvey said, feel like "they are totally out of control on their own narrative and getting this data fair. And whether their score is positive or negative, they feel like it's just misrepresented a lot of the time."

根据Visa的Doug Sabo的说法,一个挑战是,许多评估者要求将信息公开以进行计数。


Sabo说,在机构与真实的人交谈可能会缓解许多公司的挫败感。“In a lot of ratings agencies, it's often a mailbox and not an individual. It's hard to know where's the doorbell to ring to say, ‘Hey, can we actually have a live conversation about something because we have some more that we can share?’"

评估者Ecolab首席可持续性官Emilio Tenuta咨询说:“您必须留在他们身上。”必威体育2018“有一个有意义的回应率。您必须与之保持联系并与他们建立融洽的关系并与他们建立联系。值得称赞的是,他们比以往任何时候都愿意在差距所在的位置以及如何补救方面进行合作。“

The great divide


“The ecosystem is an overtaxed system," said Evan Harvey. "These firms now have disproportionate influence in the investing space. They often have small teams, they often have relatively limited resources and/or acumen when it comes to judging things. The most frustrating thing for companies is, ‘The same data goes in ISS, the same data goes in Sustainalytics, and I get two different ratings out. How is that possible? How could one firm say I am a sustainable company and the other firm say I'm essentially on the verge of failing the planet?’"

That’s yet another constant refrain, as State Street Global Advisorsreportedback in 2019. Unlike the nearly perfect 0.99 correlation of credit ratings between Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s — meaning that the two firms’ ratings were almost perfectly aligned — it found that the correlation across four major sustainability-related ratings firms was as low as 0.48, meaning that their ratings of companies were consistent only about half the time.


“I think that's not only something we have to live with, but I think it's also beneficial, Kristina Rüter of ISS explained. "There are different approaches on the market." For example, she said, some raters don’t consider the company’s business model. “We see some competitors go out with very positive scores for tobacco companies. They do not consider the business model as such, and they apply a purely relative scoring system, a best-in-class system where the best has a positive scoring."


S&P’s Rich Mattison agrees that there’s strength in diversity. "In a perfect world, you might say that every agency has the same purpose for an ESG score, and that every agency is using consistently disclosed information. So therefore, what you're revealing is a difference in opinion around a tightly defined parameterized set of criteria. But that would also crowd out innovation around actually why we're looking at a range of different things. It is because these are emerging topics."




但是价值报告基金会的凯蒂·施密茨·欧利特(Katie Schmitz Eulitt)认为,我们可能过于专注于错误的事情。“What we're really aiming for here is the improvement of real-world outcomes, right? If you're spending so much time focusing on ‘Well, you got this wrong on our rating,’ that diverts attention away from improving performance on whatever you're being graded on in the first place. I think there's so much attention paid to improving the score and not the actual outcome."


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