Influential economistMilton Friedman famously said, "There is one and only one responsibility of business: to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its profits."
But in a world recovering from COVID-19, grappling with war, climate change, ecological destruction and human rights, profit alone cannot be the sole objective of companies.
同时,富人变得更加富裕,世界上最富有的人的价值与整个贫困人口一样多 - 等于某些人3.6 billionpeople.
Indeed, the response to COVID-19 has been a playbook for business purpose and private-public collaboration, from companies helping out in the community to state participation in vaccine development and roll-out.
The response to COVID-19 has been a playbook for business purpose and private-public collaboration.
But there’s a growing feeling amongst consumers, investors and employees that this cannot be a temporary response and that private business must continue to play a bigger role in building a fairer society — one that looks beyond just making money.
而且,在数字时代,公司无法忍受24/7的审查,因此无法躲避职责。例如,在俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的几分钟内,有关公司与俄罗斯联系的详细信息在社交媒体上发布。随着战争的进行,一位耶鲁大学教授甚至发布了list of major companies继续在俄罗斯运作,给他们施加压力。
Across the entire environmental, social and governance (ESG) spectrum, corporations are being exposed for carbon footprint, pollution, waste, lack of diversity and modern human slavery.
Employing ESG reporting for forging a new 'social contract'
Three centuries ago, philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau described the notion of a"social contract"— an agreement by the people on the rules and laws by which they are governed, for the good of all society.
最近,为了应对数字革命和“零工经济”的不确定的工作条件,学术米奇·沙菲克(Minouche Shafik)提出了一个new social contractbetween business, government and workers.
This follows acclaimed works on inequality by the likes of Thomas Piketty, eschewing economic liberalism andurging greater collaboration between companies and nations,使用贸易工会和渐进税的工具,设定了受强烈监管管辖的可持续和公平发展的“更高目标”。
Measuring social impact through ESG reporting
ESG reporting is an idea that’s gathering pace, as companies start to disclose the non-financial impact of their activities and demonstrate that they are earning profit in a more purposeful way.
Firstly, it provides evidence of the commitment to ESG targets and values, by documenting carbon footprint, energy efficiency, pollution, human rights and diversity and inclusion, within the organization and across the supply chain.
ESG reporting requirements are quickly shifting from voluntary to mandatory, with companies under pressure to show how they’re improving people’s lives, tackling inequality, paying a living wage and contributing to the environment — as well as documenting how they’re mitigating negative outcomes.
Other ways to create value for society include creating jobs, improving citizens’ lives, generating tax and contributing to infrastructure, health and education — all of which can be expressed in financial terms.
Unlike the private sector, governments have typically measured their effectiveness in terms of wider population outcomes such as health, education, housing, employment and poverty. As companies look beyond financial profits and take a societal view of their purpose, the goals of government and business should align more closely.
Of course, companies continue to be driven by an entrepreneurial spirit and fuelled by private capital. However, the growing focus on purpose — along with increased state regulation over working conditions, sustainability and societal impact — could bring governments and enterprises together with a shared goal to produce a better, more equal, greener society.
The sheer size and reach of the world’s largest companies give them immense power to be a force for positive change.
Given the enormity of the climate change challenge, and the need to reduce inequality and hold back the rising tide of social unrest, such a "social contract" — enabled by ESG reporting — may ultimately herald a new era of capitalism that is kinder to people and the planet, while still generating prosperity.