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This article is the second in a three-story series culled from theMMC Climate Resilience 2018 Handbook (PDF)并最初在边缘出版。可能会发现一部分专注于气候适应的绿色债券策略here.

这effects of climate change are increasingly exposing businesses to new and unpredictable risks; often they can be catastrophic in nature or interfere with an organization's ability to do business, which inherently drives up the associated operational costs.

全球风险报告2018revealed that over the past decade, extreme weather events and failure of climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as water crises, consistently have emerged as key risk concerns to business leaders in the global risk landscape. These risks are interconnected and can exacerbate many other risks, such as domestic and regional conflict as well as involuntary migration. According to the report, every environmental risk that was assessed has become more prominent, each rising above the average on both scales of likelihood and impact.

Organizations can capture major strategic advantages by quantifying these risk factors and using traditional risk transfer and captive use along with reinsurance, where appropriate. (See Exhibit 1.)



A prime example is the hazardous smog blanketing several of China's larger cities. This issue has caused metropolitan areas such as Beijing to shut down businesses for days until the pollution and haze dissipates. These events may lead to contingent business interruption losses, which may be insurable. However, such events may be difficult to insure on the commercial markets, unlike other climate-related risks that result in physical property damage. So, with very limited options, companies are creating their own insurance solutions in captive insurance companies.


A captive insurance company is a bona fide licensed insurance or reinsurance company owned by a non-insurance company, which insures or reinsures the risks of its parent or affiliated companies. Simply put, it is a formalized mechanism to finance self-insured risks or access the reinsurance market.


Organizations can capture major strategic advantages by quantifying these risk factors and using traditional risk transfer and captive use along with reinsurance, where appropriate.

Captives can write high-severity, low-frequency risks as well. As insurance companies, they are able to access reinsurance markets and alternative capital markets to fund less predictable retained risks that are uninsurable or difficult to insure on the commercial market. Furthermore, a captive can act as a risk-financing vehicle that, over time, builds up surplus to pay for more catastrophic risks such as hurricanes and earthquakes. This helps organizations reduce cash flow volatility and decrease budget uncertainty.

How to use captives for climate risks

For example, consider an organization that has a large property exposure with an existing $1 million deductible. It could determine that it can raise its deductible to $2 million and receive a $1.5 million premium credit. The company has not had any product liability losses in excess of $1 million in the past 10 years, so it decides to assume the higher deductible of $2 million. It then decides to remit the $1.5 million premium savings into a captive, which will insure the $1 million excess/$1 million layer.

As illustrated in Exhibit 2, the company recouped $2.5 million in net premium savings over five years by obtaining capacity from the captive instead of the commercial insurance market. In addition, by formally putting aside premiums into the captive each year, the parent had proper reserves accrued, which ultimately stabilizes earnings for the consolidated organization.



Protecting your business from rising supply-chain risk

这combination of climate change, global financial pressures and political protectionism demonstrates the critical importance of global supply chains and the potential impact of their failure.


It is important that risk managers work closely with their own supply-chain managers and external advisers where appropriate in order to:

  • 识别/验证关键的商品和服务供应商以及他们所依赖的供应商。
  • 评估和量化该供应损失及其固有的弹性的影响。
  • Obtain indicative costs for all-risks supply‑chain cover for key elements.
  • 考虑通过圈养车辆的初步评估资金和风险转移。

这assessment of supply-chain risk is not, however, a stand-alone exercise, but one that should form part of an integrated approach to the identification, mitigation and transfer of risk. Climate change is having an immediate effect on global business operations through massive property loss and business interruption.


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