This is an excerpt adapted from "数字水:实现更具弹性,安全和公平的水的未来“由威尔·萨尼(Will Sarni)。
Digital technologies and water
从相信水是丰富而自由的(或至少便宜的)到面对水短缺,水质差和气候变化与水文事件的变化的影响,世界正处于迅速而痛苦的转变。由于公共部门面临这样的意识,即迫切要求政策改革解决在弗林特,密歇根州和南非开普敦等城市中展开的人类悲剧,因此这种认识正在逐渐发展。开普敦并不孤单,因为其他全球城市面临类似的水短缺危机:印度班加罗尔;巴西圣保罗;中国北京;开罗,埃及;雅加达,印度尼西亚;伊斯坦布尔,土耳其;墨西哥墨西哥城;伦敦,英国; Miami, Florida, and Los Angeles, California.

What the world is now experiencing can no longer be framed as"normal." The past can no longer be used to predict seasonal weather events and precipitation (e.g., a loss of stationarity). Increasing population growth places demands on the need for water and negatively impacts water quality. As a result, there is a pressing need for: new public policies and business strategies; and innovation in technology, financing, business models and partnerships to thrive in the 21st century. These new policies, strategies and innovative solutions are only possible with better and accessible data and actionable information. We need to deploy digital solutions (information and communication technologies (ICT)) to enable the more efficient and effective use of water data for public sector business, societal, and ecosystem needs.
We need to deploy digital solutions to enable the more efficient and effective use of water data for public sector business, societal and ecosystem needs.
What’s next?
In 1920, U.S. presidential candidate Warren Harding built his campaign around "normalcy." What unfolded was not a return to normal. According to the economist, the survivors of the Spanish Flu and the First World War left survivors with "an appetite to live the 1920s at speed."
I am willing to place a bet that our view of water, including the more traditional view of the water sector — think utilities, solutions providers, NGOs — will not return to normal. And, frankly, we shouldn’t go back. The water sector from a technology, business model and funding perspective will be transformed, driven by lessons learned from the pandemic but also due to the natural rhythm of "creative destruction."
I believe this is the year where creative destruction will transform the water sector and our view of water. In the early 20th century, the economist Joseph Schumpeter described the dynamic pattern in which innovative entrepreneurs unseat established firms through a process he called "creative destruction."
According to Schumpeter, and discussed in detail in "The Prophet of Innovation: Joseph Schumpeter and Creative Destruction," it is the entrepreneur who not only creates invention but also creates competition from a new commodity, new technology, new source of supply, and a new type of organization. The entrepreneur creates competition, "which commands a decisive cost or quality advantage and which strikes not at the margins of the profits and the outputs of the existing firms but at their foundations and their very lives." This innovation propels the economy with "gales of creative destruction," which "incessantly revolutionizes the economic structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one."
斯图尔特·哈特(Stuart L.必威体育2018正是这篇文章首先使我对创意破坏的周期及其与水部门的相关性感到好奇。
对我来说,哈特(Hart)和米尔斯坦(Milstein)的关键是,通过技术创新,机构和社会发生了巨大的转变。技术创新 - 反过来又是机构和社会中的转型 - 对现任企业带来了深远的挑战。从历史上看,这些现有企业(已安装的基地)“尚未成功地建立在新竞争格局中获得职位所需的能力。”
The creative destruction of water will include real-time and actionable information on water quantity and quality and increased access to capital to scale innovative solutions such as air moisture capture, decentralizing water treatment and reuse systems at the residential and community scale.
The water sector is poised to undergo a "gale of creative destruction" to a large degree instigated by the pandemic. The accelerated transition to using digital technologies is also an enabling tool, in addition to providing readily accessible actionable information to the general population. I believe we are now entering the roaring '20s for water.
Time will tell how the digital transformation of the water sector will unfold and if our predictions of value creation and productivity gains are realized and over what period of time. The central issue with digital transformation of a company, public sector, industry, etc., are people. It is wise to keep this issue at the forefront when we consider disruptive innovation such as digital technologies.