


Now, though, access to sustainable seafood has become mainstream. Large grocery chains Safeway and全食正在从线索Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch recommendations和良心的消费者尝试从渔民尽可能直接购买。

But through技术的新发展和新兴的影响,投资者的机会可持续海鲜企业,该运动已经发展并超越其原来的范围扩大。非营利组织如Future of Fish举例来说,通过支持创业者推动可持续发展的海鲜。必威体育2018


Scaling up



的第一条鱼2.0大赛今年发生。耆那教开始活动,以此来缩小差距创业者和有兴趣的投资者谁只是没有找到可行的商业模式之间。主办方旨在在可持续海产品行业创造影响投资者的机遇和造声势 - 一个扇区还没有密封的许多交易as those in sustainable agriculture.

通过提供建议和判断在冷杉st three rounds held online(PDF),并从坐在总决赛期间,观众,影响投资者得到了一个前排的机会与竞争对手熟悉。他们还准备投资 - 有的高达1000万$,根据鱼2.0。

More than 80 hopefuls entered. Judges used a scoring system that evaluated factors such as the competitors’ business models, market conditions, financial status/projections and social and environmental impact.



第一名和$ 40,000奖金去Blue Sea Labs,一个总部位于旧金山的分销业务通过连接美国渔民到消费者的在线系统缩短供应链。与类似在线市场好蛋,生产者(在这种情况下,渔民)知道他们需要什么,以满足他们的订单,并确保他们的供应时,可以节省时间和金钱。

We are really excited about the chance to grow our business and help fishermen reach more consumers,” said Blue Sea Labs founder Martin Reed. “It was great to have a room full of investors there who wanted to know more about seafood."


“We want people to have better access to healthy foods, and we want generations down the road to have the same biodiversity in the oceans that we see today,” said Kozachenok, adding that he hoped to use his company’s technology to help restore wild fisheries. Cryoocyte received a $25,000 prize.

Ho'oulu太平洋, a community-based aquaponic and distributed agriculture business, won third place. Based in Waimanalo, a Native Hawaiian community east of Honolulu, Ho’oulu Pacific hopes to give residents the tools to establish healthy food security by growing fish and vegetables in their backyards. The integrated closed-loop system directs water flow from the fish tank to the plants. Plants extract nutrients from the fish waste, and the water is purified by the plants.

该公司将购买过剩,卖给周围的社区。联合创始人凯斯Sakuda,Ilima浩Lastimosa和大卫Walfish旨在扩大整个夏威夷群岛的网络。他们的奖金获得$ 10,000。

In the fast-pitch competition, semifinalists had just 90 seconds to make a winning impression and $2,500.SmartFish, which aims to improve fishermen’s livelihoods in developing countries through the development of local and regional markets for sustainable seafood, tied with Inland Shrimp Company for the honors. Based in the Midwest, the内陆虾公司专注于提高利用可持续的方法虾室内。

鲑鱼和渔图像经由洛基鱼Co./Blue海洋实验室;image of lobster via多尔龙虾公司/蓝海实验室;鱼的图像经由2.0入围鱼2.0
