

vanmoof V.

vanmoof v,作为“真正的汽车更换”,将能够击中每小时31英里的速度。






但是,近年来如何定义“自行车”的问题已成为一个有争议的话题。进入自行车商店时,您可能会被您可以获得的各种自行车击中。有些有电动机 - 一些节流阀激活和一些踏板激活。

在各种各样的电子骑自行车中,完美的车辆有一些靠近的东西:踏板辅助电子自行车,由踏板推进的自行车,但是通过电动机“帮助”。这些电子骑自行车的顶级速度约为每小时20英里。They not only go at a safe speed, but they are also lightweight, occupy little space in the right of way, are extremely low-emission, don’t pose a risk to others on the bikeway or street, and are absolutely loved by those who start using them. This kind of e-bike, such as the rest of the VanMoof fleet sold today and that many other bicycle brands are selling by the thousands, is probably the best thing to happen to the transport sector since … well, since the good old bicycle some 200 years ago.

输入vanmoof的V“hyperbike”。该公司的论点似乎是,通过比典型的电子自行车更快,他们可以用汽车竞争更好,人们将更有动力购买和使用它们,从而改善城市生活和可持续性。必威体育2018虽然可能响亮,但我们应该小心这种方法有几个原因。允许任何两轮车辆继续骑自行车道,因为它有踏板不是一个好主意。Anyone who does the math can see why higher speeds in vehicles generate greater risk to others, and why we don’t want to welcome a high-speed e-bike into a bikeway that has been designed for the safety of vulnerable users, including children and the elderly.

Making fast e-bikes part of the existing categories for e-bikes (which enjoy loose regulation; unlike motorcycles, riders of e-bikes don’t necessarily need to wear helmets or get a drivers’ license) can make speed-controlled, pedal-assist e-bikes seem part of a more dangerous category of vehicles, and overall reduce the likelihood of cities allowing them on bikeways and other infrastructure for vulnerable users because they will all seem too dangerous. A painful and recent example is when delivery gig workers in New York were heavily fined for their use of small e-bikes to do their jobs.



我们不能害羞地远离这次讨论。Just as e-scooters, automated vehicles and other new types of vehicles that disrupt the existing definitions of car, scooter, bike, etc., are trying to claim space in the existing right of way, hyperbikes will do the same if we don’t use this opportunity well.



As we’ve learned in our work with NUMO, these disruptions of the right of way and the definitions of vehicles are happening more frequently, and have in turn disrupted regulations, pricing, data requirements and basically everything we knew to be true about transportation policy and even street design. These difficult but crucial distinctions will help us pave the way for safe walking, riding and sleeping on our way to work and home while also preserving the right of way of more vulnerable users.
