从C-Suite查看: Duke Energy CEO Jim Rogers

杜克能源是127亿美元的财富500家公司总部位于北卡罗来纳州夏洛特。通过其二十个煤炭厂和一系列核和可再生能源设施,Duke会产生35,000兆瓦的电力,在五个州提供超过1100多万人 - 北卡罗来纳州,南卡罗来纳州,俄亥俄州,肯塔基和印第安纳州。杜克能源是美国最大的电力公用事业之一,是全国最大的工业污染物之一。
In 2007, the Company outlined a plan to de-carbonize by 2050. It has played a leading role in galvanizing new energy policy and efficiency innovations. Heather King talks with CEO Jim Rogers about Duke's collaboration with Fred Krupp of Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), his advice for Energy Secretary Steve Chu, and a future where the appliance is "the customer."
As the country's third biggest polluter, what is your business case for reducing carbon?
In the late '90s, we became aware of 'global warming'. We recognized our huge risk, precisely because we're such a large emitter of CO2. We recognized a need to understand the issue, get ahead of it, and help shape a solution. In 2004, we started to build a coalition of stakeholders to collaborate and proactively work on the challenge.
In 1990, Fred Krupp of EDF and I worked on the Clean Air Act Amendments and we supported a cap-and-trade approach for SO2. These measures were good for consumers and achieved ambitious environmental goals at a lower than expected cost.
In the wake of a defeated national cap-and-trade initiative, what do you think it will take to pass meaningful energy and climate legislation? What would you do if you were Energy Secretary Chu?
玩耍有几件事。政府当局决定在能源问题之前提出刺激,医疗保健和金融改革。我们也有一个分散的国家声音。从各国到联邦政府的权力转移也阻碍了民主党和共和党人的重点,因为他们的权力基础已经转变。而且,共和党人已经掌握了CAP和贸易 - 当布什在20世纪90年代通过了清洁空气法案时,他们将其作为我们的环境挑战的答复。
Secretary Chu's challenge is to regroup, reframe the issue, and rebuild a base of support. This requires an old-fashioned, person-to-person approach.
With or without climate legislation, a revised energy policy is a worthy objective. By 2050, our world's population will grow from 6 to 9 billion people. The battle over scarce resources will accelerate. One thing people understand is the link between prosperity and electricity. Such a future requires a change in the regulatory paradigm. And, it requires us to redefine our business.
How has your approach to energy policy shaped the broader utility industry?
When I was chairman of Edison Electric Institute, a leading industry association, I worked hard to have my fellow CEO's recognize the imperative to seek carbon regulation instead of voluntary measures. We needed the surety of a coherent and consistent policy to manage our capital-intensive business.
We also worked hard to improve energy efficiency -- the first critical step in energy reform. Last century, the utility industry's mission was to provide universal access to electricity. We enabled air conditioning, which transformed the South and Southwest. We enabled MRIs and X-rays and laser surgery. We enabled cell phones, computers and the Internet. In the 1980's, there were three electrical devices per household. Today, there's an average of twenty-five. Our country has become increasingly dependent on electricity for our way of life.
在21世纪,我们的使命是促进节能社区。如果我们能够实现这一目标,我们将增加越来越高的概率,增加了我们的孩子和孙子的生活水平。 Many of our industry peers are concerned about rate increases and international competition, especially in the face of a tough recession. Unfortunately, sustainability and environmental issues get moved to the back burner. In our view, delay is not a friend when addressing problems.
With regard to energy efficiency, how are you working with your customers?
What is Duke's strategy for renewable energy?
We are taking a portfolio approach to renewables and have investments across the board. We have about a billion and a half invested in 1,000 megawatts of wind. We've invested in a number of solar projects, both in our regulated business and our commercial business. We have a joint venture with Areva to build biomass plants.
What then is your vision for the next generation utility company?
What are you doing today to move towards a future of efficiency and optimization?
我们正在努力创建一个新的监管范式 - 所以我们为每一个兆瓦获得赔偿我们今天的兆瓦,我们为我们构建的每个兆瓦都得到了补偿。
Lastly, we are working to retire and replace most of our power plants. Our goal is to modernize our fleet and de-carbonize it by 2050. In the next decade, one-third of our coal fleet will be retired as a result of tougher regulations. But we need to have a diversified supply of electricity. A portfolio approach is critical in this uncertain world. The question is 'What will replace the coal plants?' I do know that those replacements will have greatly reduced carbon intensity.
Heather King is a producer, writer, strategist and executive-in-residence. Her primary focus is on clean technology, corporate sustainability, and new media. She writes the "从C-Suite查看“Grenebiz.com列。