
5 questions for Jeffrey Sachs on decarbonizing the economy




有关联合国气候变化框架公约的COP21,有机会成功。COP21是2015年12月在巴黎的会面,政府致力于采用新的气候协议。有一个迹象表明,所有主要的排放国 - 美国,欧盟,中国,印度和其他人 - 准备采取真正的行动一起。这绝不是放心,但有可能。深脱碳途径项目(PDF)通过向国家一级的深度脱碳方式提供帮助,可以帮助这种过程,并强调应将低碳和零碳技术的发展纳入COP21协议。

2. What practical incentives does the project offer to governments, citizens and businesses to embrace “bold” emissions reduction targets despite the economic costs?




4. What are the main guiding principles in the developing world of simultaneously lifting people out of poverty while reducing the carbon intensity of these emerging economies?

We must distinguish between groups of countries. The poorest countries play almost no role in energy-related CO2排放。他们只是需要现代能源,尤其是电力和清洁烹饪燃料。全球社区的主要目标应该是支持这些贫困国家来实现所有人的现代能源。相比之下,中等收入国家的能源领域往往往往促成全球合作伙伴2排放(特别是中国)。这些国家将不ed to define and implement national deep decarbonization pathways that are specific to their resource base (wind, solar, hydro and geothermal energy), economic structure, public attitudes (such as to nuclear power) and economic prospects. The high-income countries should support these middle-income countries mainly through cooperative efforts on the research, development, demonstration and diffusion of low-carbon technologies.

5. In light of disappointing climate negotiations in the past, why do you think the global community will be more inclined to agree to serious reductions in CO2emissions at talks that culminate in Paris next year?


None of this suggests that a solid agreement is assured. There are still huge obstacles to overcome, including powerful vested interests, such as within the global oil industry; the unwillingness of the U.S. and some other high-income countries to commit to a clear and ambitious program of climate financing for the poorer countries; the lack of global trust; and the undue short-termism of politics and finance. Some politicians will want an agreement of any kind, for a successful “photo-op.” This will be little better than no agreement. It’s our responsibility to work overtime until December 2015 to ensure that we have not only an agreement, but also an agreement that supports the globally agreed limit of 2-degrees C.

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