

超过一半的世界人口生活在城市,全球城市化预计到2030年将达到60%。要把它进入观点,只有30%的世界人口在1950年。然而,我们继续居住在过去,虽然时代已经改变了。我们面临前所未有的环境,社会和经济挑战 - 需要21世纪解决方案的现代问题。

If cities are our future, then what will they look like? Will they resemble some dystopian sci-fi flick, or will this new era of urbanism sire a new age of prosperity for the human race? The answer is simple, according to the business, government and academic leaders gathered Tuesday at边缘沙龙纽约:这取决于我们。

“我们必须暂停,重新思考和重定向我们的资源,”斯蒂文·纽曼房地产研究所的执行董事Jack Nyman说,Zicklin商学院,Cuny。

他呼吁关于我们如何看待和互动的全球范式转变。规划明天的城市可以成为确保更光明的未来的一部分 - 但我们有一个小窗户来行动。

果断行动要求强大的领导力,今天的领导人将制造或打破明天城市的成功。在认识到这一点,前瞻性的城市正在招聘新的城市高管等首席复兴人员and chief information officers to wield Big Data to address climate, energy and resilience issues, all while improving city services. More cities are taking a page out of the private sector's playbook to address their needs, said Seth Schultz, director of research at C40. Namely, this means taking advantage of emerging information technologies to gather and analyze data.

Schultz指出,人类已经有超过1.8亿齐匹伯格的信息 - 相当于您可以存放在575亿iPad的信息量。在未来几十年中,预计该号码将达到实际上未勤勉的40个Zetabites。私营部门已经利用了对所有这些数据的分析和行动的工具,Facebook和Google用户已经过得太好了。然而,许多城市仍然在硬拷贝形式中仍然存在其历史记录,这使得它不可能使用。为了解决这个问题,城市开始聘请数据科学家的首席信息官员和团队来数字化硬拷贝数据并分析它。

采取集体行动是大多数城市的普遍存在问题,因为每个部门都侧重于保护资源,为自己的“大局”很少有眼睛。从理论上讲,市长对此负责,但他们经常在办公室中的短篇小说太有限,以长期思考。这是洛克菲勒基金会100个壮国城市的平台战略副总裁伊丽莎白伊尼表示,她的组织正在帮助城市雇用首席复原人员,以担任“市长减1”,并在所有城市部门工作确保他们将恢复能力纳入他们的计划。eee说,弹性不仅仅是关于风化的风暴和持久的地震,这是关于服用的holistic approach to city planning。例如,城市应该更加密切地看着道路,以考虑他们对整体生活质量的影响,而不仅仅是从运输规划的角度来看。betway必威娱乐她同意舒尔茨在那种大数据中可以帮助首席康复官员和其他城市领导人比以往任何时候都更智能地计划。与私营部门合作将能够帮助实现这一目标。

Seth Schultz, director of research at C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, and Elizabeth Yee, vice president of platform strategy at 100 Resilient Cities

很大程度上,我们的许多城市遭受了糟糕的规划,我们许多我们担心高度和城市重新排序。据城市科学中心副主任康斯坦丁·珀·斯科科特州康斯坦丁·斯科·斯科·斯科·斯科·斯康斯托纳(Constant Contokosta)的副主任缺乏了解,这种糟糕的规划缺乏了解。同样,利用数据收集和分析工具可以帮助我们了解城市所以我们可以设计更好,更高效的城市。最终,这是弄清楚人们如何真正工作 - 不仅仅是建造房屋,而是创造人们实际想要生活的社区。

[了解更多关于智能城市的更多信息VERGE SF 2014, Oct. 27-30。]

但它不仅仅是使城市理想的-it's also about making them affordable. Vishaan Chakrabarti, director of CURE, illustrated this by discussing San Francisco — considered by many to be one of the most beautiful and desirable cities in the world but which is becoming increasingly unaffordable to anyone who does not code computer programs for a living. San Francisco is the perfect storm, Chakrabarti said, because it is an attractive city in an affluent economic region, but with severely constrained new housing policies. The solution for cities such as San Francisco is to allow for new housing to be built with a mix of high and low, old and new, brick and glass buildings in mind. Cities ought to be varied and have a certain level of unpredictability, Chakrabarti concluded.

The lack of heterogeneity and innovation in city planning stems much from the fact that most are based on an Ancient Roman paradigm, said Ed Clerico, CEO of Natural Systems Utilities. All roads may have led to Rome, but all sewers also led out of it. When it comes to infrastructure, this has led to a mindset of "just move it away" with resources coming in and waste being shipped out. But it is unsustainable to rely on this "out of sight, out of mind" mentality because the earth is a closed system, Clerico said. He advocated for more metabolic, distributed systems that treat waste, water and energy like trees. Not only is this more efficient, he said, but it allows for increased innovation.

Rob Watson,CEO和Econ集团首席科学家,同意我们需要重新思考浪费并停止假装它是看不见的。如果我们这样做,未来的废物系统将更加壮丽,更集中 - 更便宜和更聪明。我们需要开始在不同阶段的资源中思考所有浪费。城市可以通过建立零浪费等可持续发展举措来帮助促进私人创新来实现这一目标。必威体育2018这将有助于我们的系统变得更具弹性,同时对后代的更可靠,可访问,可及时地负担得起。

Technology, government and the private sector may deserve much of the blame for causing the environmental, economic and social problems we now face, but they also happen to be our best hope for a better future. Companies can help governments to take advantage of technologies such as Big Data to build better communities; likewise, governments can implement the policies needed to stimulate private sector innovation.


City image by chungking viaShutterstock。All inline photos by Melanie Einzig.

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