Brian O'Hanlon是岩石山学院的全球气候金融计划的校长。他领导该计划在气候协调方面的工作。他的团队与金融机构合作,确保他们拥有数据,框架,工具和协议,以实现其投资组合和投资决策的脱碳。
此前,布莱恩担任欧芹全球能源集团业务发展董事,在那里他领导了该集团的筹款和账户管理,为发展中国家的融资电力项目。His team has developed a $5 billion pipeline of potential projects leading to over $1 billion in commitments to finance since 2016. Brian also spent seven years leading the U.S. Department of Commerce’s efforts to develop markets for U.S. renewable energy companies with a particular focus on China and India.