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10 minutes with Amanda von Almen, Salesforce

本专栏是关于可持续业务的“如何”,具有重大变化以及领导者(和团队)如何实现。阿曼达·冯·阿尔门(Amanda von Almen)是Salesforce的绿色建筑计划经理,该公司具有独特的文化"Ohana"以及在社会问题最前沿的首席执行官Marc Benioff.

鲍勃·兰格特(Bob Langert):Salesforce绿色建筑计划的“什么”是什么?

Amanda von Almen:我们的愿景是确保我们站点,设计,构建,运营和维护可持续的高性能工作区,以培养我们的“ Ohana”创新,生产力,健康和福祉。

Langert:“ Ohana”(夏威夷人的“家庭”)意味着您在公司中的行为和表现方式?

Von Almen:我认为这意味着我们以团队的身份获胜。我们认真对待我们了解彼此的工作,因此不仅仅是“在那里的可持续发展女性做自己的事情”,而且还如何将其整合到我们作为一家公司的工作中。必威体育2018然后为彼此的工作和成功而感到自豪,并真正提升了这一点,并且不害怕冒险并在需要时成为开拓者。

When you have a culture of support that does that like a family, you’re much more willing to have grand ideas and be innovative. I see it as a kind of our secret sauce here that we really all enjoy each other’s company and want to win as a team.

Langert: How did you get a green and holistic building program started?

Von Almen:当我大约2.5年前开始时,没有一个正式的绿色建筑计划。我看到了一个伟大的事情,经过大量的研究和讨论,我们就开始了房地产领导人,我们谈到了这是我们房地产品牌价值的真正重要组成部分。它从那里跑了。现在,我们将这个可持续的建筑环境计划纳入我们的房地产战略,在真正的全球层面上。


Von Almen:First, at Salesforce we really do consider the environment a key stakeholder. And as our CEO always says, business can be a powerful platform for change. So not only do you have that magnificent top-down support but you’ve got employees that are really excited as well.

As our CEO always says, business can be a powerful platform for change.
Second, we have an incredible support system here, what we call our REWS department (Real Estate and Workplace Services). They were ready to dive into the unknown, to learn, to ask those critical questions and really make sure that sustainability was part of our real estate brand, was part of our messaging to our employees and in the end that we were delivering a really healthy and sustainable space.

Langert: How did you challenge your real estate team?

Von Almen:The question that I posed for everyone was how can we say we’re providing our employees with the best space for them to do the best work of their lives if we’re not prioritizing the environmental and the health aspects of that space that they’re in?

Langert: What was your No. 1 challenge?

Von Almen:This was a big shift. It hadn’t been done at this scale before at Salesforce. I had to get a lot of people on board to get them to buy into this larger integrated approach to built environment sustainability.

And so, it’s getting them understanding why we need to do it, what does it mean for our Ohana to have healthy and sustainable spaces and really just getting them on board to understand how they can connect it back to their own work and their own lives.

If you speak in acronyms or all this technical language, you start to lose people. So I’m not just talking at them but we’re talking together. And it’s been great, and we’ve seen all parts of our real estate team and workplace services become comfortable speaking about sustainability.

Langert: How do you work with your landlords, the outside people that control the real estate?

Von Almen:我认为进行公开的对话和沟通非常重要。

I always make myself available. I’m a fan of in-person meetings whenever I can make that happen because I think it’s important to have those relationships and have that dynamic. I take the time to bring them up to speed about what we need to do this, what are the benefits, what’s the value.

Langert: What have you learned from this experience that is really just helpful both to you and that you would want to share with others?

This is a specialty field where you’re going to learn forever. You’re never going to fully grasp it or be a master at it. You’re going to need to always be learning.
Von Almen:I think this is a specialty field where you’re going to learn forever. You’re never going to fully grasp it or be a master at it. You’re going to need to always be learning. So, for me, that’s one of the biggest lessons learned: taking the time to always be learning, to understand other’s perspectives.

But particularly at Salesforce, I would say we are moving very fast, so really reminding myself to take a minute to reflect on our accomplishments and also how we can improve on some of the misses. Then taking these learnings forward. It’s really important to me that we share this with others. We want to share our work and influence with others in the space because it should be a shared goal for all to improve the state of the world. And none of us can do it alone.


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