
大型投资者如何考虑砍伐森林:Q&A与投资经理Lauren Compere

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Lauren Compere董事总经理兼股东参与总监,并在波士顿共同资产管理层,一家专门从事管理层,专门负责管理的责任投资2.8亿美元。

我们与劳伦谈到了森林砍伐和气候变化以及她公司如何在这些系统的金融风险上聘请银行等公司。它是如此森林砍伐- 以及相关的温室气体排放和气候影响 - 在世界上许多地区都在飙升。

What follows is a lightly edited Q&A.


Lauren Compere:作为可持续投资公司,我们不会投资于具有令人生意的环境实践的公司。我们寻求寻求整合可持续惯例的公司,并尽量减少对其核心商业模式的环境影响。



从那时起,我们也从事食品和饮料公司,主要是棕榈油,也与牛等其他柔软的商品相结合,我们看到了严重的森林砍伐和相关的温室气体排放。除了我们的个人参与外,我们还参加了协作举措,包括Cerrado Manifesto.,侧重于巴西,而且Investor Initiative for Sustainable Forests,联合CERES / PRI倡议,即扩大投资者努力解决大豆,木材和牛供应链中的砍伐森林。

In these ways, we look to engage across the value chain, but also across sectors and markets. Through the years, our engagements have expanded to include other companies such as Japanese consumer staples and personal care product manufacturers Koa and Shiseido, which use palm oil as well as cardboard in their packaging.




Compere:We look at how companies are assessing their deforestation risks across regions and value chains. While many companies are focused on the four key commodities — palm oil, timber products, cattle and soy — we are asking them to focus on all agricultural commodities they source that may be produced with deforestation.




It is also important to understand that deforestation is usually happening at the end of a supply chain, so we have to look at the leverage points. What kind of supplier contracts does a company have? Are they directly sourcing palm oil? Most likely not, so how do they engage intermediaries in their supply chain to raise expectations and best practices? Ultimately, it is about complete supply chain accountability and traceability. If a company is demanding that a palm oil supplier be RSPO, how is that supplier pushing that message and that expectation down the supply chain? And what steps are they taking if there is non-conformance with the RSPO?




大豆森林砍伐挑战一直是一个艰难的裂缝。通过我们参与CERES / PRI倡议,我们发现Mondelez International,跨国食品和饮料公司有一项森林风险的一些主要商品的行动计划,但就他们的优先级,它是棕榈油,可可大豆。这是因为公司对大豆的接触主要是间接的,主要是其乳制品供应商使用的饲料中的大豆。由于大量的乳制品来源,Mondelez有可能影响这个间接的供应链,因此我们要求公司通过其乳制品供应商来看待其直接的大豆。我真的很高兴看到公司在这方面思考看其乳制品的方法。我们也看到了与其他一些公司的进展相似。

Nash: In providing feedback on the Ceres investor guide, you mentioned that investors should be engaging not just with companies but also research providers. Can you elaborate on this, particularly in regard to Scope 3 emissions?

Compere:对于初学者来说,我们向公司询问供应链的违规,以回应CDP森林调查。That has been a core ask for many years. Although not a research provider, CDP helps standardize disclosures and is a great resource for investors to find out more about companies’ deforestation risk.





Nash: The Investor Guide references your 2019 report,Banking on a Low-Carbon Future: Finance in a Time of Climate Crisis。您能否谈谈报告的调查结果以及投资者从事银行对森林森林风险的重要性?


In our study, we benchmarked 58 banks and found that one of the biggest gaps was in addressing deforestation risks as a part of overall climate risk, with only a minority (16 percent) of banks requiring soft commodity clients (cattle, soy, palm oil, and timber) to adopt no-deforestation policies. That is really dismal.


如果银行向企业提供融资are agricultural producers, especially those with soft commodities linked to high deforestation risks, they are perpetuating these practices. It implies that they tolerate this as a risk. If financial institutions come out and say that they are going to require a higher threshold or a higher level of practice, they have an opportunity to influence and change practices. As a linchpin in the system, banks have the influence to either set higher standards or to exacerbate these issues.



I am concerned that lockdowns and lack of travel enhances the risks of companies that are sourcing soft commodity products in other areas of the world. It inhibits their ability to meet directly with suppliers and for auditors to ensure that practices are being maintained around their deforestation commitments.


Sometimes checks and balances–such as environmental protections and enforcement–go out the window during times of global crises. We are already seeing statistics showing that deforestation, especially in the Amazon, has continued during COVID-19.

The Q&A is part of Investors Talk Deforestation, a series of interviews with influential investors and partner organizations who supported the development of the Ceres投资者森林砍伐和气候变化指南。该指南旨在从他们的投资组合中聘请投资者对森林砍伐排放和其他相关风险,并在该问题上推动更多的企业行动。


