Max Scher.
Max Scher是Salesforce的可持续发展团队的高级议员,在那里他领导公司的气候必威体育2018变化缓解计划。Currently his role includes pursuing Net-Zero Carbon Certification for all major Salesforce workspaces established after 2020, and engaging 50 percent of Salesforce’s suppliers to set their own emissions reductions targets by 2025. Since starting at Salesforce in 2015, Max has also largely been focused on helping Salesforce meet and maintain its 100% Renewable Energy and Carbon Neutral Cloud goals. He has also played a leading role in the development of Salesforce’s internal carbon accounting methodologies, including those related to the life cycle assessment of its products and services. In addition, he has recently consulted extensively with both International Living Future Institute (ILFI) and U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) on their net-zero carbon and energy certifications and criteria.