

一家新英格兰初创公司声称,它找到了一种使用太阳能和二氧化碳制造乙醇的方法 - 没有农业土地或淡水。

Joule Biotechnologies Inc.已经找到了一种方法来设计光合有机体将阳光和二氧化碳转化为运输燃料的方法。betway必威娱乐该过程需要最少的资源和抛光操作,使成品比生物质衍生的生物燃料具有优势,例如由藻类,玉米或纤维素制成的生物燃料。

焦耳说,其可扩展系统每年可以以每桶不到50美元的价格生产20,000加仑的“ Solarfuel”。它预测,其首款名为Solarethanol的产品将准备明年的商业规模开发。


“Today’s leading scientists and engineers have been called upon to solve one of the greatest challenges of our time: how to take promising theories and turn them into real, impact-making strides towards energy independence,” Joule Founder and Chairman Noubar Afeya said in a statement. “Joule is doing exactly that -- creating an entirely novel solution that combines the best of solar energy and biofuels, while eliminating their respective weaknesses. The result is a system that can operate at very large scale and provide efficient conversion and storage of solar power without relying on fossil or agricultural products as raw materials.”

公司不是唯一的组织寻找使用二氧化碳(最普遍的温室气)的方法。例如,材料公司Novomer从二氧化碳和一氧化碳中制成高性能,可生物降解的塑料,聚合物和其他化学物质,以及Calera Corporation使水泥从二氧化碳中脱颖而出。

