蒂莫西D. Searchinger是高级研究员,世界资源研究所,并作为下一个技术总监世界资源报告:创造一个可持续发展的未来粮食。他也是一位研究学者和讲师在普林斯顿大学伍德罗·威尔逊学院。虽然作为一个训练有素的律师,他的作品结合了当今生态学和经济学来分析如何同时降低农业森林砍伐和温室气体排放养活日益增长的世界人口的挑战。Searchinger是论文的主要作者科学在2008年和2009年提供土地使用的变化,由于生物燃料有关的温室气体排放量的第一计算,并描述了更广阔的误差生物能源京都议定书和许多国家法律的会计规则。Searchinger也是农业协同项目合作,国际项目开发指导对促进农业生产,同时减少排放的方式发展中国家的主任。
For most of his career, Searchinger worked as an attorney at the conservation group, the Environmental Defense Fund, where he directed its work on agricultural policy and wetlands and several major aquatic ecosystems, and received a National Wetlands Protection Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Searchinger has also been a fellow of the Smith School of Enterprise and Environment at Oxford University, a Transatlantic Fellow of the German Marshall Fund, a Senior Fellow of the Law and Environmental Policy Institute at Georgetown University Law Center, a special adviser to the Maryland government on the Chesapeake Bay, a Deputy General Counsel to Governor Robert P. Casey of Pennsylvania and a law clerk to Judge Edward Becker of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. He is a graduate, summa cum laude, of Amherst College and holds a J.D. from Yale Law School where he was Senior Editor of the Yale Law Journal. His website can be found atwww.princeton.edu/~tsearchi。