霍尔姆斯·赫梅尔博士是清洁能源工程的创始人,这是一个加速分布式能源解决方案投资的非营利组织,并为公用事业主管、公共利益倡导者和寻求这些机会的政策制定者提供咨询服务。霍姆斯在彭博新能源财经峰会倡导现收现付Save®(PAYS®),通过能源效率研究所研制的包容性融资解决方案赢得了消防奖高抗冲创新扫清障碍,参与服务不足的客户,无论收入,信用评分,或承租人的地位。对于应用PAYS®模型来刺激融资电气化运输部门,霍姆斯赢得了气候战略加速器和现收现付节省清洁运输特等奖由全球实验室气候融资赞同在betway必威娱乐2018年顶金融工具。Previously, Holmes served for four years as a Senior Policy Advisor in the Department of Energy’s policy office, and among other responsibilities, led the agency’s finance working group. In the private sector, Holmes developed corporate energy strategies and utility software products at Silicon Energy (now Itron), and today serves on the board of Cornerstone Capital, an advisory firm specializing in the development of values-aligned investment portfolios. Holmes holds a doctorate degree from Stanford University for research on global energy technology scenarios for climate stabilization.