丽莎Frantzis是在先进能源经济(AEE),一个国家的商业协会,其宗旨是改变政策,以确保整个美国更加安全,清洁,经济的能源系统高级副总裁At AEE, she leads an initiative to accelerate the transition to a 21st Century Electricity System and heads AEE’s Utility Advisory Committee. The primary activities of the initiative are 1. CEO Forums/Public Utility Commission (PUC) Forums that convene utility executives, PUC Commissioners, and advanced energy companies to develop a vision for reform that is responsive to the needs of each state and drives towards concrete action, and 2. participation in key regulatory proceedings where AEE Institute develops joint positions with its members, provides analysis for justification of these positions, and assists in implementation plans. She has also been working with large corporate buyers and utility companies to identify ways to facilitate procurement of clean energy to help meet corporate targets.
丽莎目前在东北清洁能源理事会(NECEC)的董事会和以前在其他三个组织的董事会:美国可再生能源理事会(ACORE),新英格兰的太阳能企业协会(SEBANE),和太阳能电力协会(SEPA)。She sits on the Advisory Board of the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Law, Brain, and Behavior, and has been an Ambassador for the U.S. Clean Energy, Education & Empowerment program since 2014. She is also on the Executive Leadership Council of SEPA’s 51st State Initiative.