科尔已经工作了20年的设计和实施转变市场对资源节约型环境业务解决方案的公共/私人努力。目前他领导国际金融公司的私营部门的气候政策参与,其中包括与新兴经济体的政府和大型企业合作开发投资者 - 和气候友好的国家战略;设计联盟,以推进碳定价和性能标准;并提供私营部门投入国际政策进程,例如20国集团和联合国气候谈判。
Kerr was previously the director of climate change initiatives at the World Economic Forum in Geneva, where he worked with international organizations, government leaders, and industry executives to advance practical solutions via platforms such as the G20, the United Nations and the Forum’s Annual Meeting at Davos.
Kerr started his career with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, where he designed and launched a suite of innovative voluntary programs such as Energy STAR, Green Power, and methane programs that today continue to engage thousands of businesses to adopt clean, efficient technologies and practices.