至于CGIAR的水,土地和生态系统项目主任,伊莎贝拉Koziell已经在非洲,亚洲和工作作为全球发展实践者,谈判者,捐助者和思想领袖对环境和发展的解决方案。国际水资源管理研究所(IWMI)总部在斯里兰卡的基础了,她领导全球研究促进发展计划,提供农业解决方案,以提高我们的自然资源,依靠他们的人。Izabella spent 10 years with the U.K. Department for International Development (DFID), where she led the Asia Regional Climate and Environment Unit in New Delhi, served as Lead Negotiator and Advisor for the Biodiversity and Desertification Conventions and as well as working at the Research and Evidence Division, and for DFID Kenya.