Kristin Igusky
Kristin Igusky is an associate in the climate program at the World Resources Institute. She supports WRI’s efforts with U.S. states and U.S. federal agencies as they work together and in parallel to develop programs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Prior to joining WRI, Kristin worked with SAIC’s climate change services team where she focused on a wide-range of GHG management projects for federal government agencies, local governments, and private sector entities. Projects included supporting the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s national inventory of greenhouse gases, EPA Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program and the EPA Climate Leaders Program, researching issues related to new and existing carbon offsets project types, and developing community-level GHG inventories for cities and counties across the country.
Kristin holds a B.S. in environmental studies from Gettysburg College and a Master of Environmental Management degree from Duke University, where she focused on global environmental change.