梅根·利克利(Megan Lickley)
梅根(Megan)是麻省理工学院EAPS的所罗门集团的博士后合伙人。她研究气候变化的时机,驱动因素和影响。在获得博士学位之前,她在刚果民主共和国在布卡沃天主教大学教授数学课程。她还向乌干达的世界银行咨询,为气候变化影响报告和战略计划做出了贡献。In 2012, she completed her Master’s in the Technology and Policy Program at MIT, focusing on climate impacts on coastal infrastructure and spent the following year as a research associate at MIT’s Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, studying climate impacts on river systems in the United States.