梅利莎·克莱因是绿色电力伙伴,并在美国环境保护署的气候保护合作伙伴事业部内的中心为企业气候变化领导的通讯主任。绿色电力伙伴是一个自愿性计划,鼓励企业使用绿色电力,以此来减少电力使用对环境的影响。该合伙公司自愿使用数十亿千瓦小时的绿色电力,每年1300个多名合作伙伴组织。合作伙伴包括各种各样的领导组织,如财富500家强企业,中小型企业,地方,州和联邦政府,以及高校。有关更多信息,请访问:epa.gov/greenpower。The Center for Corporate Climate Leadership provides technical tools, educational resources and opportunities for information sharing, to support organizations in measuring and managing greenhouse gas emissions, from the beginning through the supply chain.The Center’s web-based tools provide methodological guidance on developing a company-wide GHG inventory, as well as tools that help calculate a company’s carbon footprint, identify GHG reduction sources and track progress.