迈克尔·范登伯格(Michael Vandenbergh)是戴维·丹尼尔斯·艾伦(David Daniels Allen)的杰出法学主席,气候变化研究网络主任,范德比尔特大学能源,环境和土地利用计划的联合导演。他是环境和能源法领域的主要学者,其研究探讨了正式法律法规与个人和公司行为的非正式社会监管之间的关系。他与范德比尔特(Vanderbilt)的气候变化研究网络的工作涉及跨学科团队,这些团队着重于减少个人和家庭部门的碳排放。他的公司工作探讨了私人环境治理以及社会规范对企业行为的影响以及私人合同可以增强或破坏公共治理的方式。Before joining Vanderbilt’s law faculty, Vandenbergh was a partner at a national law firm in Washington, D.C. He served as Chief of Staff of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency from 1993 to 1995. He began his career as a law clerk for Judge Edward R. Becker of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in 1987-88. In addition to directing Vanderbilt’s Climate Change Research Network, Vandenbergh serves as co-director of the law school’s Energy, Environment and Land Use Program. He was named a David Daniels Allen Distinguished Professor of Law in fall 2013. A recipient of the Hall-Hartman Teaching Award, he teaches courses in environmental law, energy, and property. Vandenbergh has been a visiting professor at the University of Chicago Law School and at Harvard Law School.