Trewin Restorick
Trewin Restorick是一位环境企业家,竞选者和慈善首席执行官。
Trewin是Hubbub Foundation的创始人,Hubbub Foundation是一家社会企业,旨在通过创新和发明的运动解决环境问题,通常是使用游击营销技术。
他是该行业和环境空间中受人尊敬的思想领袖,并且是关于环境问题的经常评论员,包括商务绿色,《卫报》可持续商业和天空新闻,并接受了Al Gore的培训,他是他的气候变化大使之一。
Trewin has acted as the Head of Fundraising for Friends of the Earth where he created PaperRound, London’s leading community recycling business, and also founded and chaired the Global Action Plan, an organisation which works towards a green planet and encourages sustainable living by connecting what is good for people and planet.