Robin Chase是一个运输企betway必威娱乐业家。她是世界上最大的碳卡尔的联合创始人和邮政首席执行官;以及Veniam的联合创始人,这是一个在车辆和云之间移动数据的TB的网络公司。她最近的一本书是Peers Inc:人和平台如何让人们和重塑资本主义发明。她目前的激情正在与城市合作,以便引入自动驾驶汽车可能最大限度地提高转变。她坐在世界资源研究所和泰惠的董事会上,并在荷兰跨国DSM的可持续发展咨询委员会提供服务。必威体育2018在过去,她曾在维亚曼和马萨诸塞州交通委员会,法国国家数字化机构,美国商务部的国家创新与企业家咨询委员会,美国部门智能运输系统计划咨询委员会betway必威娱乐of Transportation, the OECD’s International Transport Forum Advisory Board, the Massachusetts Governor’s Transportation Transition Working Group, and Boston Mayor’s Wireless Task Force. Robin lectures widely, has been frequently featured in the major media, and has received many awards in the areas of innovation, design, and environment, including the prestigious Urban Land Institute’s Nicols Prize as Urban Visionary, Time 100 Most Influential People, Fast Company Fast 50 Innovators, and BusinessWeek Top 10 Designers. Robin graduated from Wellesley College and MIT's Sloan School of Management, was a Harvard University Loeb Fellow, and received an honorary Doctorate of Design from the Illinois Institute of Technology.