Dawn Lippert是Elemental Excelerator的首席执行官,也是艾默生Elemental公司创新与社区的总监。Elemental Excelerator (EEx)是Dawn于2012年在夏威夷创立的一个创业项目,帮助初创公司改变世界,一次一个社区。
Dawn Lippert是Elemental Excelerator的首席执行官,也是艾默生Elemental公司创新与社区的总监。Elemental Excelerator (EEx)是Dawn于2012年在夏威夷创立的一个创业项目,帮助初创公司改变世界,一次一个社区。每年,程序发现12-15公司和基金公司的每一个高达100万$,以提高系统的这种影响人们的生活:能源,水,农业,运输等。betway必威娱乐的EEx授予$ 20百万到超过50家公司,为了改变社区改善基础设施。的EEx与艾默生集体协作创造了一个非营利性的公用事业合作伙伴,企业合作伙伴,美国海军,能源,州政府和慈善组织美国能源部的联合资助。In addition to leading Elemental Excelerator, Dawn is the Chair of the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative Advisory Board, a board of key energy decision makers who ensure progress toward Hawaii’s goal of 100% renewable energy by 2045. Dawn is a recipient of the 2015 C3E Award from the Clean Energy Ministerial and was selected as an Omidyar Fellow by the Hawaii Leadership Forum. She also serves on the boards of WiRE (Women in Renewable Energy, an organization she founded in 2011) and Incubatenergy Network (a national network of clean energy organizations organized by the U.S. Department of Energy). Prior to Elemental Excelerator, Dawn was a management consultant with Booz Allen Hamilton’s alternative energy practice in Washington DC. She also worked on energy and environmental projects in various communities around the world, including Africa, India, and Latin America. Dawn graduated cum laude from Yale University with a B.A. in environmental studies. She received her Master’s degree from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Management.